Grezia, K.a. VI. mendea. Miletoko Talesek ikusi zuen substantzia erretxinatsu horixka batek, zapi batez edo animalia larruz igurtzita, objektu arinak erakartzeko propietate bitxia lortzen zuela. Substantzia hura anbara zen, grekoz elektron. Antzinako greziarrek ez zeukaten fenomenoaren azalpenik, baina horrek ez du esan nahi hari probetxurik ateratzeko gai ez zirenik; badirudi zenbait tokitan anbara erabiltzen zutela arropan itsatsita geratzen ziren hosto eta belar lehorrak kentzeko.
Zenbait arrain espeziek harrapakinak durduzatzeko eta, hala, erraz ehizatzeko eragiten dituzten deskarga elektrikoak azaltzen ere ez zekiten, baina etekina atera zieten berdin; nagusiki, buruko mina arintzeko erabili zuten zenbait arrainen ezaugarri ebolutibo bikain hura. Egiptoarrek Niloko arrain katua edo silurua erabiltzen zuten migrainen tratamendurako. Greziarrek eta erromatarrek, aldiz, arraiaren eta ikaraioaren deskargak baliatu zituzten, eta askotan haztegietan gordetzen zituzten, erremedioa eskura izateko. Plinio Zaharrak (K.o. 23-79) idatzi zuenez, “arrain elektrikoak sendagarri gisa erabiltzen dira, buruko mina eta hezueria arintzeko”.
Scribonius Largus sendagileak Klaudio enperadorearen gortean egin zuen lan K.o. I. mendean. Historiako farmakopea zaharrenetarikoan, De Compositione Medicamentorum izeneko lanean, 271 sendabide bildu zituen. Horietako bat, honakoa: “Buruko min iraunkor eta jasanezina berehala kentzeko eta sendatzeko bizirik dagoen ikaraio beltz bat jartzen da mina dagoen tokian, oinazea arindu eta gune minberatua txindurrituta geratzen den arte”. Klaudioaren medikuak ere oinetako hezueria sendatzeko balio zuela zioen: oinutsik sakonera gutxiko uretan sartu eta ikaraioek lan egin zezaten utzi behar zuen eriak. Beste idatzi batzuetan artritisa eta epilepsia sendatzeko gomendatzen ziren arrainen deskarga elektrikoak.
Berriki Cefaly izeneko gailu elektroterapeutikoa merkaturatu dute. Kopetan ipintzen den gailuak bulkada elektrikoak erabiltzen ditu nerbio trigeminoan estimuluak eragiteko eta, hala, buruko mina arintzeko. Ofizialki ontzat emandako migrainaren kontrako lehen gailu elektrikoa da, baina ezin esan sendabide berritzailea denik.
Poloniar ikerlari talde batek Sevillako Italica aztarnategiko Txorien Etxea aztertu du, eta eraikinaren zoruko mosaikoak erromatar garaiko hegazti-bilduma xeheena dela ondorioztatu du.
Txorien etxean 33 hegazti daude mosaikoetan xehetasun handiz irudikatuta. Beste... [+]
Judea, 2nd century AD. In the turbulent atmosphere of the Roman province, a trial was held against Gaddaliah and Saul, accused of fraud and tax evasion. The trial was reported on a 133-line paper in Greek (pictured). Thinking that it was a Nabataean document, the papyrus was... [+]
Researchers at Johns Hopkins University have discovered several cylinders with inscriptions at the present Syrian Reservoir, the Tell Umm-el Marra. Experts believe that the signs written in these pieces of clay can be alphabetical.
In the 15th century a. The cylinders have... [+]
A group of interdisciplinary researchers from the Free University of Berlin and the Zuse Institute have developed a complex mathematical model to better understand how Romanization spread in North Africa.
According to a study published in the journal Plos One, the model has... [+]
Although it was thought that in most of the cities of the Roman Empire there were jails, little remains have been found of the prisons of the time in the fields.
Recently, however, the archaeologist at the University of Copenhagen, Matthew Larsen, has identified the Roman... [+]
The TRAILER of the film Gladiator II, which will be released in the autumn, already shows in less than three minutes an error or a historical license.
Ridley Scott's film celebrates a naumaki or naval battle at the Colosseum. The expensive show was held three times in the Roman... [+]
Rome, towards the year 100 d. C. The poet Juvenal received the X. In Satira: “For a long time, particularly since we have to sell the vote, this people has lost interest in politics. Before, the head, the lots, the legions and, after all, they gave it all, but now they let it... [+]
Gulf of Ambracia (Ionian Sea). In the 15th century a. 2 September 31. The Romans achieved victory in the naval battle of Accio and ensured control over Egypt. Therefore, the Greek hegemony in the Mediterranean is concluded on that date, but the Hellenic influence has remained so... [+]
This winter the archaeologists of the INRAP (National Institute of Preventive Archaeological Research) have found a special necropolis in the historic centre of Auxerre (French State), a Roman cemetery for newborn babies or stillbirths. - Oh, good! The necropolis used between... [+]
It was founded by R about 6,500 years ago. And recently, the archaeologist at the German Institute of Archaeology, Max Haibt, has created the city's "digital twin," using the technology used in video games.
The team has made a three-dimensional record of the 40 square kilometres... [+]
Rome, a.C. 443. Censors were elected for the first time. Two centuries later it would be the most important magistrature of the Republic. Every five years, they chose two censors among consular senators.
It was a position of great responsibility: they were primarily responsible... [+]
It has been considered that the wine drank by the ancient Romans was a poorly made wine, without body and with an unpleasant taste. But the work that researchers at the universities of Ghent and Warsaw have published in Antiquity has provoked the withdrawal of this belief.
The... [+]