The graphic novel "Black is Beltza" has been the protagonist of several events in Bilbao, since the opening of the exhibition of the Alhóndiga. In fact, Black is Beltza is not just a novel and an exhibition about it, but a great project. Musicians, writers, cartoonists, etc. have participated in these events and each one has contributed his bit to the novel written by Fermin Muguruza and Harkaitz Cano and drawn by the Argentinian Jorge Alderete. The participants have immersed themselves in a certain time, in the footprints of the 60s of the 20th century, and have composed a song about those who fought for the political and social movement, the musical and cultural revolution, for the transformation of the world and against racism, the soundtrack of the time, Batez de Otis Redding.
In January you will still be able to enjoy the exhibitions and events. We have brought two of them to these pages: Recital of Harkaitz Cano's Rare Fruits and the meeting between Ruper Ordorika and Fermin Muguruza, to be held under the name of Otis Redding, who sat at the Bay Pier.
The recital of Harkaitz Cano, The Strange Fruits, will take place on January 16 in the Multipurpose Hall. It is believed that the fruits fall near the tree, but this is not always the case when the tree is downhill. In these cases it is possible that the fruits appear far from the tree. According to Harkaitz Cano, this is also the case in the art world.
The writer's fondness for music is well known, as constant references of music have appeared in his literature. The script of the graphic novel Black is Beltza is another example of this, as in the comic book there are constant references of musicians, songs and great festivals of the time. In the recital Frutos Rara, we will talk about the songs that have inspired the novel and, on the contrary, the novels and films that have inspired them. The writer believes that film, music and literature have constantly fed each other.
The second date will be 22 January: Musical meeting between Ruper Ordorika and Fermin Muguruza. Under the name of Otis Redding, who sat at the Bay Pier, both singers will dialogue onstage. Bernardo Atxaga and Ruper Ordorika are responsible for interpreting the well-known and prophetic song that takes place at the Bay Pier. Ordorika will talk about the influence of black music, its experience in the song, the pleasure of making versions and the games and delights that fun and intonation have propitiated.
Both quotations will take place on the first floor of the Alhóndiga in Bilbao, in the Center of Complementary Activities, where the exhibition itself is located. The entrance is free but invitations can also be requested in advance at the Infopunu de la Alhóndiga.
Rare Fruit
Rapporteur: Harkaitz Cano.
When: 16 January.
Where: Alhóndiga of Bilbao.
Otis Redding sat on the Bay Pier
Meeting: Fermin Muguruza and Ruper Ordorika
When: 22 January.
Where: Alhóndiga of Bilbao.
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