At the hospital in Zumarraga the resonance unit was launched on 9 December. The resonance services are managed by Osatek at the CAPV and the test reports are carried out in Spanish. Knowing the implementation of the new service, UEMA and other municipalities of the Goierri-Alto Urola requested the issuance of the reports in Euskera. Also EH Bildu and the PNV, in the Basque Parliament, made their nuances (important) and demanded that they speak in Basque. PSE-EE and PNV have approved the Second Congress of Osakidetza, which will begin at 12:00. The Euskera Plan has to be addressed, and offering resonance reports also in Euskera does not fall within the Plan’s minima.
It is strange, moreover, that the Managing Director of Osatek replies to UEMA. Apparently, according to Basque radiologists, “it is really difficult for them to work with reports prepared in Basque.”