Years after the disappearance of the Navarre Savings Fund, society, especially Navarre, still does not know what happened to that entity in which thousands of citizens left their savings. In the new transformation and the new road, speculation is now taking place with these savings. Something similar can happen if privatisation with Kutxabank is not stopped. If society does not know what the situation of the can is due to the attitude of UPN. This is logical, as they were the main managers of the Andean Community. But the PSN also goes in the same direction and this party should have a more independent position. The PSN decided to postpone for a month the debate of the Commission of Inquiry on the Can in Catalonia. This delay will leave little time for the investigation, as the elections will be held within five months. In addition, the Socialists intend to limit research, for example, by leaving out the subject of diets. In this way, in-depth research will not be possible and, once again, financial and political managers will not have to take any responsibility for this. That's what the PSN knows. That is why it has more responsibility than UPN, which has more to hide.
The other opposition groups, the Basque society, and in particular the Navarre, have the right to know not only how the entity went to the Stock Exchange, but how it was managed during all these years, how and who made decisions, not forgetting those related to diets. It would also be necessary to know how the plan for expansion of pre-retirement and the merger between the CAN, the Burgos and Canary Islands and Cajasol was drawn up, turning its back on the Basque savings banks, although it was confederated with them.
Why does PSN behave like this? Why has the investigation been delayed? There is only one reasonable reason: she wants to conceal her misery and her responsibilities.
Patxi Zamora Kontuz elkarteko eleduna lanetik bota zuten Guardia Zibilak hegazkinean sartzeko baimena kendu eta gero. Lau auzi ditu abian eta 20.000 euro beharko dituztela kalkulatu du elkarteak.
Gobernua babesten duten lau alderdiek eskatu dute presidente ohien agerraldia batzordean. Enrique Goñi Nafarroako Kutxako presidenteak bere burua eskaini du batzorde horretan agertzeko. Jose Antonio Sarria Enpresarien elkarteko presidentea, Jose Antonio Asiain Banka... [+]
Uxue Barkos buru duen gobernuak Nafarroan banku publiko bat sortzeko dauden aukerak aztertuko dituen txostena osatzeko agindu du. Irailean egingo da esleipena eta hamabi asteren buruan txostena bukatuta izango dela aurreikusten da. Orduan “asko eztabaidatu beharko... [+]
Hitzetik hortzera dabiltzan bi gai landu dituzte Geroa Baiko Jokin Castiella, EH Bilduko Bakartxo Ruiz eta Ezkerrako Joseba Ezeolaza parlamentariek, Juan Kruz Lakasta kazetariaren gidaritzapean: Nafarroako Kutxako ikerketa batzordea eta Espainiako hauteskundeak.
Erantzukizun politikoak argitu behar dira CAN desagertu izanak arduradunak dituelako. Argudio horiekin egin zuten ikerketa batzordearen alde Geroa Baik, EH Bilduk, Ahal Duguk, PSNk eta Ezkerrak.
Gero Bai, EH Bildu, Ahal Dugu, PSNk eta I-Ek eskari bateratua erregistratu dute Parlamentuan, Nafarroako Kutxaren "desagertzeari" buruzko ikerketa batzordea berriro martxan jar dadin.
Santiago Cervera PPko diputatu ohia absolbitu du Nafarroako Justizia Auzitegiko Zigor arloko 3. Epaitegiak.
Asteazkenean amaitu da Santiago Cervera PPko diputatu ohiaren aurkako epaiketa. Alde bakoitzak berean jarraitzen du eta fiskalak absoluzioa eskatu du.
Santiago Cervera PPko diputatu ohiak gogor idatzi du Diario de Navarra-ren aurka eta CANen desagerpenean dituen erantzukizunak azpimarratu ditu.