One no, two communication projects will close their doors, but in return a communication project will be launched in the Biscayan region of Uribe Kosta, which will be on three supports.
Hiruka communication group will focus on the digital portal, paper weekly and radio. Obviously, they will not come out of nowhere, they have taken advantage of the trajectory and they have set out to make a stronger project in Uribe Kosta.
In Getxo, almost 20 years ago the journal Bizarra Lepoan was created and in 1999 it became the UK magazine. For its part, the digital web has a trajectory of 11 years. Koska radio was also able to listen on the waves for several years.
By the end of January, the paper weekly and the digital portal will be operational and months later Justuri Irratia will be released. Uribe Kosta’s new vasco-parlant communication group has created a not-for-profit cooperative based in Bilbao. To support the project, it will have user and partner partners.
For users, the investment will be EUR 1,000 for legal persons and EUR 100 for private individuals. For collaborating persons, legal persons shall have EUR 200 and private persons EUR 50. In addition, they must pay an annual fee of EUR 33.
Gaur abiatu da Bizi Baratzea Orrian kide egiteko kanpaina. Urtaro bakoitzean kaleratuko den aldizkari berezi honek Lurrari buruzko jakintza praktikoa eta gaurkotasuneko gaiak jorratuko ditu, formato oso berezian: poster handi bat izango du ardatz eta tolestu ahala beste... [+]
Over the past few weeks I have had these two books in my hands: The space of reflection in Basque (Euskaltzaindia, 2024) and Mariano Ferrer, reflexive journalism. Journalism and commitment (Erein, 2023) . I have read that 42.2% of Basques see ETB1 and 20.6% read the Basque... [+]
Over the past few weeks I have had these two books in my hands: The space of reflection in Basque (Euskaltzaindia, 2024) and Mariano Ferrer, reflexive journalism. Journalism and commitment (Erein, 2023) . I have read that 42.2% of Basques see ETB1 and 20.6% read the Basque... [+]