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Chronicles 49.aren

  • MIKEL PERITUA:: Fire fields Susa, 2014

His zelaiak is the name of Mikel Peruarena's second novel, written by Edurne Azkarate. In the title there is no mystery or literary game, but an unreal reality that existed. These fields of fire “No mand’s land between Germans and French” (85. 13). They are the countryside, where there are no wolves, no ferns, nothing. The earth, nothing more than stones and mud, all entangled and punched, blackened and entangled with large wells of mud” (Artek, 85). 71 and sec. ).

The novel places us in the year 1914, in which the “era of massacres” was inaugurated. This is confirmed by the quote by Eric Hobsbawn, who starts the first part. Men between 21 and 48 years of age from Baiona and surrounding areas are 49 years old. They have received an order to appear in the company of the Regiment. “Dances like everything honored wants, to die for France” 61.or. The time has come for them, so once they meet, there are no further distinctions between red and white. Among them are several characters that we will meet closely throughout the narration: Etien Bonnat, Manex Donetx, Battitta Garat and Filipe Luro, who will gradually be lost along the way.

With the march of the 49 regiment, the cruelty, misery, hunger, cold, betrayal, mutilated bodies, etc. of the war experienced by soldiers are cruelly described, recalling the illustrations of Jacques Tardi. Verdun, “an infinite fire that advances and regresses without interruption” (167. 13). It caused the death of 158 people in a week. Argon, for the survivors of Verdun, the fires are the games that don't look like war, the battle of Craonn and, from time to time, the environment called Bienville, away from the line of fire, to regain its breath.

Basically, the chronicle of the day of war is what Perua has offered. The most noteworthy contribution of the writer may be to address a war that is not common in Basque literature, but above that I have found nothing special. On the other hand, being a narrative inserted in the scope of Ipar Euskal Herria, it is understandable that he has written it in the Navarre laboratory, but although in terms of credibility it is beneficial, to whom he is not accustomed he can give a heavy reading.

We also found interesting passages that describe pathetic and extremely violent scenes. For example, when a Frenchman and a German are faced with a dead body and, because of the mutilations he has suffered, they decide which party it is to bury the body. Finally, the German will give a role to the French with his address: “If the war ever occurred, you should go to Germany to visit it” (89). 13). he added.

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