The operators look forward each year to the opening of the new AOA season after the summer. This year’s edition was later than usual, as, with the crisis, this 63 edition will have only five titles (usually seven), so instead of starting in September we had the first performance in November. However, despite the crisis, quality is maintained and the pleasure of always and this “savoir faire”, on the part of the organizers, is evident.
To begin, within the Tutto Verdi cycle, a fresh and powerful work by this composer: The Atti. Verdi, who was 33 years old when the opera was over, shows how quickly the musician printed his works of youth. The book by Francesco Maria Piave and Temistocle Solera is also interesting. Attila is not a savage, nuanced person, but a strong, yet insecure person, with lights and shadows.
This beginning of the season has had more than one stimulus. On the one hand, the title itself, as has been said, is powerful, and on the other, the participation of Ruggero Raimondi as stage director on this occasion. This prestigious Italian bass played the role of Attila in Bilbao 37 years ago and, after so long, the usefulness of his experience in this type of productions was evident. This Atalía was really spectacular and beautiful. A great staging where light and the movement of the stage elements are very important. Apart from the music, the whole show was worth it.
Musically, OK. The lower Ildebrando D’Arcangelo, in the role of Attilka, fulfilled the vocal part well with a clear emission. Perhaps it did not provide enough interpretative depth, but it was certainly effective. Tenor Roberto Aronica raised his brilliant voice. The baritone Ángel Ódena had ups and downs and the soprano Anna Smirnova, in the role of Odabella, felt very expressive. In general, they did not completely round their performances, but they gave a beautiful whole, with an attractive spectacle. The Euskadi Symphony Orchestra, with the help of director Francesco Ivan Ciampa, moved delicately through the Foso and solidly the Bilbao Opera Choir.
Solistas Attila de
Verdi: Ildebrando D’Arcangelo, Roberto Aronica, Anna Smirnova, Ángel Ódena, Eduardo Ituarte and David Aguayo. Symphony Orchestra of the Basque Country Address: Francesco Ivan Ciampa.
Scene Address: Ruggero Raimondi. Bilbao Opera Choir. Address: Boris Dujin. Place: Palace Euskalduna.Fecha: 22 November.
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