Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

The earlier in school in English, the worse it is in Gaelic.

The Irish regions where there is more talk of Gaelic are also in a critical situation. The study looks at how children who work in Gaelic at home are developing in bilingual schools, and data indicate that they are better able to master English than their language.

The Irish Times Analysis of Bilingual Competence: Language Acquisition among Young People in the Gaeltacht. The study followed 50 families of children in areas where Gaelic has the most strength (Gaeltacht) to measure their language skills. They're 7 to 12 years old, at home they do it in Gaelic and at school in Gaelic and English.

The main conclusion of the study is that, from early in school with the two languages, those who have a minority home language are lost more than they gain. That is, children who speak Gaelic lose their ability in their language and develop better in English.

In EE.UU. something similar to Spanish

Something similar happens with students from the United States who study in Spanish. As you start early in school in both languages, you start losing your home.

According to the Irish newspaper, Castilian is a minority language, similar to that of Gaelic speakers. On the contrary, children who have a strong first language, educated in bilingual schools, do not suffer any loss in their language.

The Irish Times looks beyond what is happening at school and says that, although Gaelic people talk about stronger areas, social use is falling apart, so it is becoming more and more difficult for young people to assimilate the language well. It refers to the rupture of relationships between domestic transmission, the community of speakers and educational structures.

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