It appears in numerous dictionaries. Fire that is made in the field of sowing. Amount of garbage that is burned in the sector. Burning herbs, shrubs and meeses that are made in the fields, and then spreading the ashes down the ground. Burning of waste collected in the field. In the fields where you have to sow something, mounted on piles, you make fire based on weeds and garbage. With the trash you make a lot of land and you give it fire. That's called a raid. Or the relay or the relay.
Cook or cook the ground that will work and burn the herbs that have been removed on the fire made with a little wood. In the area of the regatta the soil will be red and spread throughout the plot in the form of ashes, with a good fertilizer.
Winter is the time to bring lime to the earth and plants. Karetze is a centuries-old tradition. Calcinate the limestone in the brow, burn it and calcinate it with this lime in fields, orchards, meadows and apples. Also the houses and trees were aground, painting the skin with... [+]
Baratze bazterrean beti behar du hondakinak usteltzeko txoko bat. Zopizartzean, jorratzean, belarrak kentzean edo uzta amaitu delako berea eman duten landareen hondakinak kentzean sortzen den materiala, ondo gauza aberatsa da. Jeneralean bazterrean pilatu eta bertan usteltzen... [+]
The coffee is bitter. I like bitter. Away from the sweet, with salt tip and roasting point. I often dream that a drop of salt would go well. Coffee really! What can dry spine cause a touch coffee to flourish between the last beam of the palate and the pendicular behind the... [+]
The riverside lands along the rivers, rivers and banks are the dream paradise of the peasants of the Atlantic Basque Country. The best lands have been gathered by water for millions of years, works begun in times when neither the Christ nor the people who created the invention... [+]
There have been floods, both in the upper and lower parts. We're on land where the river becomes a river, great riverbanks staring at the Atlantic. The mounting and crushing built to protect these banks from the effects of the inclement of the sea has far outstripped the growing... [+]
Eat sheep. In the Chilean Andes they call the Puya chilensis plant “eats sheep”. Sheep and birds, chained in their long and sharp thorns, starve to death and, as they rot, fertilize the soil of the plant's feet. Thanks to this fertilizer it will give a flowering that can be... [+]
The soap to wash the insects is very good. Wash, glue, clean it, kill it! One of the most special characteristics of insects is their skin. Its structure is the skin, skeleton. They breathe down the surface. The skin is the protection. And the chitines, candles, etc. protection... [+]
Arratsalde on, Jakoba. Lehenik eta behin, eskerrik asko Argian astero egiten duzun ekarpenarengatik. A ze nolako euskara darabilzun! Eta zenbat ikasten dudan! Gure ingurumen “berdea” beste begi batzuekin ikusten dut irakurtzen zaitudanetik. Eta eremu horretan gure... [+]