“Today’s best cinema comes from television,” how many times have we heard this phrase? In recent years, television series are becoming a small and dignified screen. It has traditionally been related to low-quality and low-demand products and programmes, but this approach has changed radically. Before we were just talking about “cinéfilos”, now the phenomenon “seriezaleak” has also appeared. It is something that surprises me very much, and quite the opposite of what happens with films: we take off the jacket from all the prejudices that we have from the beginning and hang it on the rack. People don't care if it's in the original language, if the production is American or Swedish, if it's 20 or 50 minutes long, if they're completely unknown actors, or if it's fantasy or humor. Once trapped, they get rid of all these obstacles.
Why do I say it is a limitless phenomenon?At a time when we live in a hurry and running, we feel the need to have everything right away and in the moment and the series allow it. Unlike movies, there is the possibility to premiere and watch them immediately, and in that the main ally is the Internet, specifically, social networks. Because of them, chains like AMC, HBO or Showtime can identify vulnerabilities using the social audience.
It is also clear that this invisible line between films and series is getting thinner. It is very clear to me that breaking bad or True detective sessions, for example, have scripts, characters and works deeper than 90% of the movies that are released throughout the year. As if that were not enough, the cost of a product such as this is usually three times cheaper than that of a cable car in general. The Boardwalk Empire, for example, can be more profitable if you consider that behind it is Scorsese and there are plenty of art and decorated.
They retain the viewer. Many times it seems that we are seeing a 50-hour film and as a result new consumer doors are opened, such as computers, tablets or mobiles. This generates feedback, noise, and the marketing of this particular series for amateurs becomes a global event. These are usually small doses and do not require an interval of two to three hours. After dinner you can see a section on the bus before going home or to bed on your computer. If we add to this a story that can catch, it creates a very effective narrative.
In the last decade, in addition, well-known actors or directors have begun to immerse themselves in these types of projects. Who would imagine them after a series of Kevin Spacey, Tom Hardy, Glen Close, Fincher or Scorsese? They start to realize something unthinkable a few years ago, which today are of great importance and impact.
After all, I am clear where the mistakes of those systems that are used to attract the spectator can be. On the small screen, however, I find it very difficult to identify those gaps, because I look to the future and see it as a global phenomenon without limits.
B. It is one of the television references that marked the adolescence of A. He would like A to be an actor known as B. They both have a gang of friends that doesn't come out of the ordinary, but what differentiates is adolescence. B lived a stranger, participated in a public... [+]
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