The total amount of money that the Basque Government spent on institutional advertising in 2013 is higher than what we have just mentioned. The total jackpot amounts to EUR 5,702,311,87 and is divided into two parts. On the one hand, it pays the awarded companies the rights to create, produce, voice and image advertising, and on the other, it makes contracts to include advertising in the media and other media. The largest amount of money is found in the second: EUR 4.782.184.70. Of this media stock, the Spanish-language media received 97.04% and the Basque media received 2.96%. The Basque media that have received institutional advertising are as follows: Anboto, Argia, Berria, Gaztezulo, Hamaika TB, Hirinet, Bizkaia Irratia, Entzun! and Basque Country. If only the members of the Basque Media Association (Hekimen Elkartea) are taken into account, the percentage is 2.48%. If you compare what the Basque Government has spent on advertising with the subsidies that the Vice-Ministry of Linguistic Policy has given to non-public media in Basque, the figures are very similar: EUR 4,782,184,70 in advertising and EUR 4,875,000 in subsidies.
EUR 4,678,271,51 in the Spanish media and EUR 103,913,19 in the Basque media. The imbalance is more than evident, with 2.96% in the Basque media. On the one hand, the number of recipients in the Basque media market exceeds 2.96%, and on the other, this distribution of advertising excludes Euskaldunes, the citizen sector that consumes the media in Euskera. We asked Alberto Barandiaran, director of Hekimen about imbalance: “The imbalance is obvious. The Basque media has much more communicative meaning than that 3%. They are present in all the supports and they are the ones that ensure the connection with the community of Basque speakers. From the point of view of political and linguistic criteria, this percentage is by no means appropriate”.
If we analyze the percentages contracted by each department of the Basque Government in the media in Basque, the highest is that of the Department of Economic Development and Competitiveness: 5%. In the media in Basque he has contracted 28,951 euros. If absolute figures are taken into account, the Department of Education, Linguistic Policy and Culture has contracted the most media in Basque: EUR 32,456. It is noteworthy that the department in charge of promoting and supporting the normalization of Euskera devotes only 4.57% of the amount to the media in Euskera. The department that has least considered the media in Euskera is the Department of Security, which has made contracts worth 9,370 euros, 0.98% of the total. There are no big differences between the other departments.
According to Law 6/2010 on Advertising and Institutional Communication of the Basque Country, the Interdepartmental Advertising Commission of the Basque Government has to issue annually two reports: a report of the year ended and a plan for the year that begins. The data provided are those of the 2013 memory. Both documents are sent to Parliament at the first session of each year (1 February to 30 June).
As the 2013 report of the Basque Government can be found on the Internet, we have not found any report from the members on the network. As reported to us by the Provincial Council of Bizkaia, the political group EH Bildu has asked about this issue in the General Boards, and they will deal with it, but in order to respect the institution and the successors, they will not disseminate the information until the data is given in the General Boards.
The Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa has been processing all the institutional advertising since the Communication Directorate for two years and, although they started last year, they are finalising the preamble of the document that will collect the detailed information of the advertising distribution, so they will soon present the one of 2014. Asked about the criteria for advertising distribution, Xabier Lekuona has explained to us that the 1994 Foral Standard, which he considers obsolete, among other issues, takes no account other than the written press. This standard is based on four axes: equality, proportionality, effectiveness and Euskera. The Diputación prioritizes public and Basque media, as well as local media. Across the media, more than 70 media outlets were publicised in 2014. The foral rule states that 8% of advertising should be included in the Basque media. According to Lekuona, the 2014 report states that more publicity has been introduced in the Basque media than in the Spanish media.
Zergatik jarri du Hekimenek (Euskal Hedabideen Elkartea) fokua publizitate instituzionalaren kudeaketan?
Hekimenek sortze beretik esan du publizitatea landu beharreko gaia dela. Publizitate instituzionala, eta publizitate komertzial bateratua. Publizitate bateratuaren inguruan urratsak egin ditugu aurten, eta Gipuzkoako Foru Aldundian eskaintza bateratua egin dugu Hekimeneko Gipuzkoako hedabideen artean, eta emaitza oso ona izan da. Orain, beste esparru batzuetara nola zabaldu aztertzen ari gara.
Publizitate instituzionalari dagokionez, iaz Legebiltzarrean eskatu genituen Jaurlaritzak egindako publizitatearen datuak, eta duela gutxi ezagutu ditugu. Guk uste genuena baino txarragoak dira: %2-3 inguruan dabil Jaurlaritzak euskal hedabide ez publikoetan egiten duen publizitatearen kopurua. Oso-oso gutxi da hori.
Zein irizpide erabiltzen ditu Eusko Jaurlaritzak publizitatea hedabide batean edo bestean banatzeko? Eta Hekimenen ustez, zeintzuk beharko lukete irizpideak?
Ez ditugu ezagutzen Eusko Jaurlaritzaren irizpideak publizitatea banatzeko orduan. Hekimenen ustez, irizpide horiek zentzuzkoak izan beharko lirateke, zuzenak eta objektiboak. Eta iruditzen zaigu elebiduna dela dioen administrazio batean, euskal hedabideetan, euskara hutsean transmititzen duten hedabideetan, kanpaina publikoek askoz ere presentzia handiagoa izan beharko luketela.
Gai hau lantzen ari al da Hekimen Eusko Jaurlaritzarekin?
Hekimen gaia lantzen ari da sektore barruan, identifikatzeko ondo nola egin behar dugun lanketa hori, eta identifikatzeko zein izan behar duten helburuek. Laster urratsak egingo ditugun itxaropena daukagu. Orain, datuak ezagutu ondoren, Jaurlaritzarengana jotzeko ordua da.
Foru Aldundiek nola kudeatzen dute gai hau? Badira txosten publikoak? Aztertu dituzue? Ados zaudete hauen irizpideekin?
Foru Aldundiek bakoitzak bere erara kudeatzen dituzte gai hauek, eta ez dago irizpide batasunik. Gipuzkoako Foru Aldundiarekin, esaterako, hainbat kanpaina eraman ditugu aurrera 2014an zehar, eta espero dugu aurrerantzean ere horrela jarraitzea. Oso balorazio ona egin dugu egin den lan horren inguruan. Bizkaiko Foru Aldundiari gaia proposatu genion, baina erantzun ziguten haiek ez dutela publizitaterik sartzen diruz laguntzen dituzten hedabideetan. Iruditzen zaigu hor ere badagoela zer landu: zer den diru-laguntza politikoa, eta zer den eskaintza komertziala. Horri guztiari heltzeko garaia da orain.
Zein dira publizitate bidez diru publiko gehien jasotzen duten hedabideak? Arabako Aldundiak publizitatea zein mediotan inbertitzen duen aztertu du Hala Bedik. El Correo de Álava da jaun eta jabe, publizitatearen %31,8a jasotzen baitu; nagusiki euskaraz aritzen diren... [+]
Espainiako Gardentasun Kontseiluak zortzi ministeriori iragarkien datuak publiko egin behar dituztela exijitu ostean, salaketa jarri dute Auzitegi Nazionalean erabakia ez betetzeko.
Hedabide euskaldunak biltzen dituen Hekimen elkarteak bilera eskatu dio Gipuzkoako Foru Aldundiari, erakunde horrek iragarritako publizitate instituzionalaren beherakada aztertzeko. 2015eko aurrekontuarekin alderatuta, erdira jaitsiko du euskarazko hedabideetako publizitatea... [+]