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Kultura aniztasuna eta euskara aztergai

Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

Euskaltzaleen Topaguneak antolatu ditu jardunaldiak abenduaren 12an, Andoaingo Martin Ugalde kultur parkean. Euskara aniztasunean jarri diote izena topaketari eta kultura, hizkuntza eta jatorri asko barnebiltzen dituen gizartean euskara ardatza izan dadin orain arte egin diren esperientziak eta aurrera begirako plangintzak landuko dituzte. Jasone Mendizabal Euskaltzaleen Topaguneko zuzendariak Euskara, partekatzen duguna dekalogoaren aurkezpena egingo du. Euskara ardatz hartuta lanean ari diren egitasmoen artean Getxoko esperientziaren berri jakiteko aukera izango da. Getxokoaz gain, Auzoko programak Arrasateko eta Aretxabaletako esperientziak kontatuko ditu eta Onki Xin harrera egitasmoak Pasaiakoa. Hizkuntza eta kultura aniztasuna Euskal Herrian gaur, eta horren inguruko jarrerak eta iritziak ikerketaren aurkezpena ere egingo dute.

You are interested in the channel: Topagunea
Euskaltzaleen Topagunea gives witness to the ‘Taupa’ movement
Euskaltzaleen Topagunea has recreated a new beginning. From now on, his name is Taupa, the Euskaltzales movement. This is a meeting point for the associations of Euskera, which aims to activate the Euskaltzales of the entire Basque Country. The members of Topagune have pointed... [+]

Oskar Zapata (meeting point)
"We need new allies for Euskera to advance"
Euskaltzaleon Topagunea proposes new lines of discourse for an increasing attitude towards the Basque people in Nafarroa Garaia

From 15 to 25 May 2025 the next edition of the Euskararen Aldia will take place
According to the organizers, Euskaraldia is effective in linguistic habits and therefore the fourth edition is being organized. Yes, the previous ones have been done in autumn and the next one will be in spring.

2023-11-17 | ARGIA
Euskaltzaleen Topagunea has agreed five lines of work to make the leap to the use of Euskera at the III Congress
Euskaltzaleen Topagunea, at its congress on 18 November, has set five axes for the next decade. Topagunea considers these axes as necessary conditions to make a leap in the use of the Basque country. The five functions of the association will be the capture of new diverse... [+]

Jon Zapata, Coordinator of the Adults Children initiative
“Children understand that Euskera will be the language of children”
The Heldu Adult Child Initiative will be held from 19 to 29 October in 80 localities of Hego Euskal Herria. The protagonists will be, above all, fathers and mothers, and the Euskaltzaleen Topagunea organisation has underlined two objectives: on the one hand, that parents take... [+]

2023-09-25 | ARGIA
The meeting point provides for a remodeling phase
At the General Assembly on 22 September, Kike Amonarriz gave the presidential witness to Oñatiarra Irati Iciar. The Alea media interviewed Amonarriz and Iciar, among others, about the congress and the proposal to be held in November. Topagunea has prepared a new proposal for... [+]

Kike Amonarriz. President of Euskaltzaleen Topagunea
“May the empowerment not end with Euskaraldia”
Taking into account the conferences, press conferences, interviews and meetings, Kike Amonarriz (Tolosa, 1961) answers three or four daily quotes throughout the Basque Country. With the humorist’s mind, the communicator’s clarity, the rigor of the socio-linguist and the... [+]

2021-09-27 | ARGIA
Topagunea creates a federation of Basque associations for leisure
The Kukulaisi Federation has brought together Euskaltzaleen Topagunea and 14 Euskera associations that are already working free time. The objective is to articulate and develop projects that work for leisure in Basque at the local level.

Txerra Rodriguez, on the associations of euskera
"There are two options: keep thinking we're in the middle or work with the edges."
Txerra Rodríguez has approved a thesis of almost 400 pages. Her work ended in March 2020: 30 years in mycology. Influence of the Basque associations on the revitalization of the Basque country 1987-2017. In this interview he talks about the difficult conciliation between the... [+]

2020-10-08 | ARGIA
The Mintzakide programme in the Region of Pamplona is already under way
The Mintzakide programme of the Region of Pamplona/Iruña has reported that it will begin next October. According to the initiative, “it is a unique opportunity to live and use the Basque Country and this year will reopen the way to many people”.

2020-10-06 | ARGIA
Deadline for registration as an interlocutor
The first call for entries for the practice of Mintzapraktika has begun in October. Euskaltzaleen Topagunea has explained that more than 7,000 people make up the mintzalaguna community in 21 localities and counties. The objective is for the project to extend to the entire... [+]

Kike Amonarriz, soziolinguista
“Krisitik irteteko, euskalgintzak ere bat egin behar du beste sektore askorekin”

Ohi duenez, hinki-hankarik gabe jardun du Kike Amonarrizek orain hurrena kaleratu duen liburu mamiz betean: Euskararen bidegurutzetik (Elkar, 2019). Dioenez, ziklo aldaketa bizi dugu, eta hurrengo urteak giltzarri izan daitezke euskara komunitatearen etorkizunarentzat. Hargatik,... [+]

Eguneraketa berriak daude