Norbaitek aho betez demokrata dela esaten badit, erne jartzen naiz. Izan ere, urteekin ikasi dut, bere burua demokratatzat duela dioenak, zinikoa ez bada, egiaren jabe delako ustea izaten duela, eta, hortik, hurrengo pausoa, beste guztiei bere demokrata-tasuna inposatzeko saiakeran aritzea izango dela.
Gizatalde batek besteei norberarena inposatzeko joera ez da egungoa. Izatez, historian zehar, eliteek euren inposizioa legitimatzeko modu desberdinak izan dituzte, bai liderraren karisma, bai ohituren indarra, edo armada garaiezin bat. Oinarrian, beti, bortxazko indarra.
Ilustratu liberalek, XVIII. mendean, garaiko elite burgesaren boterea babesteko kontzeptu berri bat asmatu zuten: legea. Liderrek, ohiturek, armadek agintzen dutena, derrigorrez eta mehatxuz betetzekoa bezala agerrarazten ziguten, eta legeak agintzen duena, ordea, norberak bere buruari, eta guztiok geure buruari inposatzen diogun betebeharra. Kantek teorizatutako autonomia moral haren ondorio sozial bezala.
Aurrerapauso handia izan omen zen hau, gizabanakoa, eta euren arteko elkarbizitza babesteko. Denok moralki autonomoak izan nahi dugu, eta hor, ustezko betiereko legean katiatuta utzi gintuzten elite zapaltzaileen aldeko ideologoek, burujabe izan nahian, geure burua euren menpe jarriz.
Horren harira, demokrata ongileak entzuten ditut legea goraipatzen, guztien artean egina dela, guztiok betebeharrekoa, jendarteko bakea ziurtatzen duen abstrakzio aldaezina. Eta bakea, justizia, askatasuna edo eskubideen gaineko balio bilakatzen dutenez, demokrazia bera, hitzaren zentzua galduz, legea betetzean oinarritzen dute, herritarrak menpean iraunarazteko sistema politikoa zapaltzailea bihurtuz.
Eliteak egoera dagoenean jarraitzeko erabiltzen duen baliabidea da legea. Legearen inperioa beste legitimazio moduak bezain inposatzailea da, baina sendoagoa, abstraktua, ikusezina. Sakoneko sinesmen sor bezala barnerarazten digute, eta bereiztea ere zaila egiten zaigu: geure burua aske sentitzen dugu, eta legea, berezko betebeharrekoa.
Euren burua demokratatzat dutenak faxistak direla datorkit burura. Adibide asko daukagu demokrata horiek pertsona arriskutsuak direla konturatzeko, alde batetik, politikoki bikaintzat dutelako euren burua, eta etikoki besteak baino goragokoak sentitzen direlako, egia, eta beraz, ongia platoniko-kristaua (ateoa izan arren), zer den baitakite.
Ausartuko ote dira katalanak, azaroaren 9a eta gero, demokraziaren izenean legea apurtzen, bortxazko indarra demokrata haien esku izanik?
Bidali zure iritzi artikuluak helbide elektronikora
ARGIAk ez du zertan bat etorri artikuluen edukiarekin. Idatzien gehienezko luzera 4.500 karakterekoa da (espazioak barne). Idazkera aldetik gutxieneko zuzentasun bat beharrezkoa da: batetik, ARGIAk ezin du hartu zuzenketa sakona egiteko lanik; bestetik, egitekotan edukia nahi gabe aldatzeko arriskua dago. ARGIAk azaleko zuzenketak edo moldaketak egingo dizkie artikuluei, behar izanez gero.
At Christmas they leave a new book on the bedside table. About the philosophy and joy of the house, recently written by Emanuele Coccia. Coccia, an Italian philosopher, has become popular in making known our connections with plants on the road to the construction of a healthy... [+]
I've done a quick analysis of the technology forecasts for 2025. Like every year, when you talk about what technology is going to bring to the media in 2025, the discourse is very similar. Many of us who write about technology have the anxiety of knowing more than it's going to... [+]
When we woke up, culturally and administratively, the landscape showed a three-speed disaster.
As far as culture is concerned, I had the opportunity – once again – to confirm this last November 14 at the Mint library in Ortzaize. There we met because Eñaut Etxamendi... [+]
Snow hides the earth and the traces of beings looking for pleasure. Under the beauty of snow there is time, years, generations, ephemerides, quotations; but when time goes by there are words that have not been said before or after. Snow reminds us that we could slip and fall. As... [+]
The world has also done so, because it is a symbol, because in history more genocides have already been done and will be done (bad luck, hear, it has touched you to be born there), but Palestine has special characteristics:
They appeared, as usual, through the hut, parked in the center of the passage, in herbs and encharcations so as not to dirty the mills, and went through the road, tracing, to the porch, with a large dish in the hand. As usual, the bûche was ready. In French bûche it can be a... [+]
As the fall ends, the crows appear on Basque Day, in the Basque era or in the Durango Fair. Aware of the results of socio-linguistic surveys on the use of Euskera, the "politically corrective" exercise has no longer drawn anyone's attention. Without Ttattarri, with cool and smiling... [+]
There are those who, being a brilliant brain, with definitions of "little detail," are experts in transforming and transforming the same thing, in other words. It was yours and it has been a project in eternum that has been repeated for decades. This was one of the main reasons to... [+]
On 26 December, during an air strike, the Israeli Army killed five Palestinian journalists trying to reach the city. They killed 130 Palestinian journalists. This news has reminded me of a couple of things, the first, the persecution of true journalists in any part of the world,... [+]
In recent months I have had to work in a number of institutes and, at some point, I have had to talk to the students about the possibilities offered by the labour market. The typology of the students is varied and in the same city varies a lot from one neighborhood to another,... [+]
The girl who appears in the center of photography, which can hardly be considered historical, is writing a list of adjectives: I, you, he, we, you, they. Looking down, I couldn't see what his gaze looked like.
Insensitive to the work of the photographer, you, slowly and... [+]
When you work with older people or people with physical and neural diversity, you realize that the idea of competition in our society limits us a lot as a species. That is, our system puts you in value by doing things specifically, and what it doesn't do is incapable of the... [+]
I wanted to write for the Christmas lights and claim to become an annual tradition in this time of street lighting, a welcoming, joyful and joyful public space from the point of view of the class. But, of course, also warm public spaces where some young people can be warming up... [+]