You can write a book about Iñigo Garcés Cabezafuego and a giant comic. The Falkland is a lustful, tireless and unparalleled creator, creating music, writing unrepeatable words and adding with a lot of imagination and humor to the projects that it brings forward.
He started very young in the Half Foot Outside group, which went beyond hardcore. Soon after, almost to the end, Los Bichos, with its leached juices, was a group of The Northern Bugs, which would surely break some instruments deliberately. In the mid-1990s, however, the hairstyle that gave him the nickname became a popular phenomenon among Basque rockers, opening the way to stoner and psychodelia with the Mermaid group (and later to hard rock of old style and school). When they left the group, they left us orphans for many of us.
Subsequently, extraordinary approaches to the pop-rock occurred: Royal Canal is a beautiful and courageous project and Black Lagun cheaper. And almost at the same time he played from place to place in the prestigious Bizardunak and Atom Rhumba groups, sometimes serious and others continuous truffle, depending on the situation and the group.
As if it were not enough, a couple of years ago he started acting alone with the guitar under the name Cabezafuego. I was graceful, terrible, but the songs were too naked for me. But recently, with the help of a violinist and a battery, I've discovered it again live, and it's added a bigger body to the songs.
Although he now acts as a trio, he has gathered many close friends to record this album, and not of all kinds: Joseba Irazoki, Felix Bluff, Nacho Beltrán… And I recognize that the result has surprised me for the better. It is true that prejudices to Cabezafuego have long been neglected, and in the same vein we have to recognize that it goes far beyond the young man who gives on the skin, that is, that he is very brave in creating songs.
This work has folk, rock and others, but it's dominated by pop-rock. Sometimes in a very transparent way, but under all that with a lot of imagination and nuances. Hangover from a bohemian and Walk with me, for example, are hit, due to the truths singing the words and, above all, to the sticky melodies. The songs have a nostalgic touch, as well as a complete knowledge of tastes and music. There are Bichos style songs inspired by Josetxo Ezponda, but you can also easily appreciate the finest psychedelia and the elegance of surfing. And I would say that Arthur Lee Love was also hidden in the studio on the weekend of the recording. But the disc has a lot of pearls, which everyone has to find, and I'm not going to bring them all to the surface. But, as has already been mentioned, prejudices must be left out before they enter.
Ah, and the vinyl folders have been made by the Cabezafuego himself, with a mime the same as the songs of his interior.
Company: Txalo teatroa.
Created by:Elena Díaz.
Address: Begoña Bilbao.
Actors: Finally, Ibon Gaztañazpi will account for the details of Intza Alkain, Tania Fornieles, Oihana Maritorena and IRAITZ Lizarraga.
When: 10 January.
Where: Auditorio Itsas Etxea... [+]
Today, the voices of women and children remain within a culture that delegitimizes their voices, silencing their experiences, within a system aimed at minimizing or ignoring their basic rights and needs. A media example of this problem is the case of Juana Rivas, but her story... [+]
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Departamenduko Laborantza Ganbarako hauteskundeen kanpaina abiatu da. Urtarrilaren 14an bozetara aurkezten diren hiru sindikatuen ordezkariekin bi oreneko eztabaida sakona antolatu zuten Euskal Hedabideek, osoki euskaraz.