What attracts you from architecture?
Have knowledge that responds to one of the basic needs of the human being, that is, the need for housing. In addition, it allows us to work in the spaces that we live in.
What is biological architecture?
It is a concept of architecture and construction according to human beings and our environment. The biological architecture is based on four pillars: 1) Environment (biomechanical designs): study the most appropriate technologies to adapt to the environment. 2) Nature: studies the geometric design of the forms and their possible applications. 3) Matter: it is about building with natural components, using sustainable and local (environmental) bio-based materials. 4) The human being: work is an associative and cooperative process. In short, we must use more humane working models. That is, they have to be processes of access to people and needs of all kinds.
When I think about bioconstruction, I think about rural areas. Is it possible to apply this kind of architecture to cities?
Of course it does. In high-density human areas, space must be considered on a large scale, without forgetting comfort and health.
Can you build large buildings?
Yes, of course. In addition to large buildings, large cities can be built. For example, about 10,000 people live in the Yemeni city of Xibam [thanks to its clay brick tower houses, the old city of Xibam, declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1982]. In addition, one third of the world's population lives in adobe households. On the contrary, industrialized cities have been building houses with industrial materials for only a century. Most of humanity therefore lives in houses of natural materials.
Why propose an alternative to industrial construction?
The materials used in this type of construction are very polluting for nature and for human beings. The production process of these materials also generates a great amount of waste, has a great negative impact on nature. In addition, the materials that are used usually bring from afar. This transport generates pollution and can destroy the local economy.
Other materials are used in bioconstruction…
Yes, in nature, what we can find around: earth, sand, stones, wood, fibers...
Seeing the rapid growth of societies, could we quickly build housing through bioconstruction?
Of course it does. But I believe that at present we need to review the times proposed so that everything is done quickly and consumed quickly. The process of building a house should be approached calmly, with responsibility and conscience, offering the necessary exercise of reflection for the process. In the past, houses were built in this way, and today, fortunately, there are still those who do.
Last year you taught a course to pilgrims living on the border between Hernani and Astigarraga. How were the two weeks that went on that course?
It is one of the best projects I have directed in the last five years, because it was directed to a certain human community, the Roma, and because in the work two municipalities were involved, the Astigarraga and the Hernani municipalities. This project achieved two objectives: on the one hand, to improve the conditions and situation of the dwellings, and on the other, to make it clear that, in cooperation and cooperation, worthy dwellings can be built. It is a great goal.
What are the concerns and needs of the people living in it?
The main need is socialization. Its inhabitants want to be recognized as communities, they want to be a community integrated in the themes and life of their surroundings.
Is it possible to make social housing based on bioconstruction?
Many constitutions guarantee the right to decent housing on paper and in theory. There is only one opportunity to analyse the resources of the environment to design concrete and effective social housing programmes. For example, in collaboration with the City Hall and the provincial government, we have launched the pilot project that we call El Hoyon “organic module” [70-square-meter housing for a family]. In this social housing project, besides identifying and assessing the needs of families, for six months, about 40 people are trained by building prototypes.
Why did you choose Argentina as a residence?
We came to study in Argentina and life started to give us jobs.
Is all this about bioconstruction not going to stay in fashion?
For the good of all of us, I hope that the topic of empty fashion will be that of polluting industrial architecture.
What is the main objective of the book that has just published Biological Architecture?
On the one hand, to make this professional activity known and, on the other hand, to offer some lines of work around the design and design of the construction to people who are dedicated to self-construction.
Espainiako Estatuko Merkatuen eta Lehiaren Batzorde Nazionalak egindako txostenean, enpresa eraikitzaile nagusiek iruzur egindako obren adibide ugari azaltzen da, tartean dira Euskal Herrian azken urteetan administrazio publikoek esleitutako azpiegitura esanguratsu batzuk.
Acciona, Dragados, FCC, Ferrovial, OHL eta Sacyr zigortu ditu Espainiako Merkatuen eta Lehiaren Batzorde Nazionalak, 25 urtetan zehar milaka lizitazio publiko eraldatzeagatik obra zibiletako eraikin eta azpiegituretara bideratuak.
62 urte zituen hildako langileak. Aldamioan lanean ari zela makina astuna erori zitzaion gainera. Gertakariaren aurrean, elkarretaratzea deitu dute asteazken arratsaldean Barakaldon, prekarietatea eta lan baldintza txarrak salatzeko.
Olarizu auzoko lan heriotza salatzeko elkarretaratzea egingo dute urtarrilaren 13an ELA, LAB, ESK, STEILAS, EHNE eta HIRU sindikatuek. Prebentzio neurri eraginkorrak hartzeko eskatu diete enpresei eta administrazio publikoari.