The Diputación Foral de Álava, governed by pp, has presented the budgets for 2015 and has proposed cuts of 24% in Basque, that is, 227,500 euros less. Concrete figures are as follows:
Euskaltzaindia and Eusko Ikaskuntza would get half of this year’s revenue, with 50,000 euros each.
In particular, the Member of Álava would reduce the amount of aid by 40%, i.e. by EUR 10,000 less.
The Bertsolaris Association of Álava would take EUR 15,000, EUR 10,000 less than in 2014, which represents a decrease.
The Basque awareness and use programme would lose 57% of the subsidy.
The General Plan for the Promotion of the Use of the Basque Country would lose 20%.
Publications in Basque would be lost 33%.
On November 25, International Day against Male Violence, the Steilas Feminist Union Feminist Secretariat has published a poster: Our body is a battlefield, and all the schools in Hego Euskal Herria have received it. We wish to denounce the violence suffered by women and children... [+]