In Rome, a. C. The first watch of the city was placed in the third century. The device was achieved in Catania (Sicily), amidst a group of booty after an armed conflict during the First Punic War. Of course, one of the fundamental parameters for the operation of sunclocks is the location of the clock. The Romans knew it perfectly, but they also decided to put the spoils in the city.
There is a difference of more than four degrees between the two cities in latitude (Catania, 37.31°I; Rome, 41.53°I) and the clock is useless, at least for a correct hour.
However, they remained there for almost the entire century. As a comedy by Plauto says: “May the gods confuse the one who invented the hours and put a sundial in this city, because he has divided the day into tidy bits. When I was little, my only watch was my stomach, better and more reliable than any of ellos.Siempre I had to eat, except when there was nothing to eat.”
Eraispenaren aldeko elkarteek manifestazioa antolatu dute larunbatean Iruñean. Irrintzi Plazan manifestazioaren deitzailea den Koldo Amatriarekin hitz egin dugu.
In 2017, Indonesia and the Netherlands signed an agreement to return the heritage stolen by the European country because of colonialism for three centuries. The Indonesian responsible for the return process, Gusti Agung Wesaka Puja, explained that this agreement "was important in... [+]
Greece 1975. The country began the year as a republic, three weeks earlier, in the referendum on 8 December 1974, after the citizens decided on the end of the monarchy.
A decade earlier, in 1964, when King Paul I died, his son Constantine took the throne at the age of 23.
But... [+]
For pedagogical or methodological reasons, historians tend to fragment and divide historical periods of the past into deadlines. There are traditional times that we all know (Prehistory, Antiquity, Middle Ages, Modern and Contemporary Ages), but also several sub-ages.
These... [+]
Copenhagen, 18 December 1974 At 12 noon a ferry arrived at the port, from where a group of about 100 Santa Claus landed. They brought a gigantic geese with them. The idea was to make a kind of “Trojan Goose” and, upon reaching the city, to pull the white beard costumes... [+]