Some of the most important industrial centres in Gipuzkoa are located on the slopes of the Oria River. Among other things, it has been among the most polluted in Euskal Herria for many years because of the waste they have generated. Despite the fact that the situation has improved considerably, neighbours and environmental organisations have denounced that there is still room for improvement. In fact, according to ecologist group Eguzki, half of the water used in Andoain is thrown into Oria without purifying. In 2005, the European Union determined that dirty water should pass through the sewage treatment plant, but Eguzki considers that the total responsibility is not the responsibility of the institutions. For neighbors and neighbors to also help keep the river clean, every year calls are made to the Auzolan.
This year, they met on 11 October in Andoain to carry out the collaboration. In addition to highlighting the need to improve the river and water situation, they have stressed the importance of caring for areas near the river. The leisure areas of Leitzaran, such as Otieta and Olazar, are in a situation of "poor conservation". Especially at the end of the summer, old plastics and abandoned waste can be found. As a protected biotope, it is urgent to maintain it properly.
The Oria River has the largest water catchment area of Gipuzkoa, composed of 54 municipalities. Thus, attempts to clean the Oria and its branches in auzolan have also been carried out in other locations. In recent years, several days of cleaning have been carried out in localities such as Zizurkil, Ordizia, Tolosa or the area passing through Lasarte-Oria, Zubieta and Usurbil, among others. It is also a common activity in most of the rivers of Euskal Herria, especially in those that cross large industrial centers.
The problem that I had to solve ten years ago remains unresolved from the list of tasks. Eguzki de Andoain has denounced that the Basque Government has not granted the full subsidy agreed in 2004. They also stressed that the City Hall "has its own responsibility" in this matter. They say that dirty water “it is in their power to connect to the general pipeline built by the Basque Government and the Diputación”.
As a result of the construction of the Aduna treatment plant, it has been possible to purify the waste water of most of the municipalities located between Alegia and Andoain. It can therefore be said that improvements have gradually been made. However, much remains to be done. The total elimination of polluted water and waste in the river is an arduous task that affects society as a whole. Cleaning initiatives contribute a great deal, particularly to the collection of waste at the river margins. But we must not forget that many impurities are generated by our recklessness, rather than coming from factories and houses. That's why the most urgent thing is not to get infected.
Martxoaren 10etik 26ra izango da udaberriko kanpaina. 'Beste modura, denona de onura' lelopean arituko dira gertuko ekoizpena, banaketa eta kontsumoa babestu eta sustatzeko, ager zonaldean euskara hauspotzen duten bitartean. Apirila amaieratik aurrera jasoko dira... [+]