Aitor Montes is a family doctor from Aramaio and an indefatigable Basque. In the last two years, the media has been made aware of the many requests it has made for Euskaldunizar Osakidetza. The last of the requests was the ultrasound report, which was received in Euskera, something that happened for the first time, according to Montes.
The doctor Montes is aware of the importance of Euskera as an oral language in the health centers of the Basque Autonomous Community, but does not believe that written communication should be forgotten. In his opinion, one thing is that he should be paid attention in Basque and another thing is that the working language of Osakidetza is Basque. In this sense, he has asked that it be translated into translating the clinical history of patients and blood tests into Basque. It has not done so, but it has done so in the case of ultrasound. The woman made a request for ultrasound for a patient and explained that she would like to receive the results in Basque. That has been the case. For Montes, it is very important that there is such an example, as it can become a precedent.
Alokairuen bidezko espekulazioa oztopatzeko neurria azaroaren 25etik goiti izanen da indarrean Ipar Euskal Herrian. Momentuko, tentsiopean diren Lapurdiko 24 herriei eraginen die: Ahetze, Angelu, Arbona, Arrangoitze, Azkaine, Basusarri, Baiona, Biarritz, Bidarte, Biriatu,... [+]