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Lessons from the people

  • Gabriel Aresti said that poetry took it from the hand of the people and that the knowledge of the people has received it from their neighbors, as they are preparing the curriculum of the locality. Once the information is collected, it is up to the schools to analyze and make contributions, including to the Ikastola de Orio that prepares the Kilometroak.
Herriko bi ikastetxeetako umeak aurreko ikasturtean izan ziren Oriori buruzko ezagutzak autopista azpiko zutabeetan islatzen.
Herriko bi ikastetxeetako umeak aurreko ikasturtean izan ziren Oriori buruzko ezagutzak autopista azpiko zutabeetan islatzen.Karkara

More than recently, the young people of Orio will have as reference their compatriots Jorge Oteiza or Benito Lertxundi, which are the heritage of the locality. In fact, in the development of this project, this expression of the sculptor oriotarra has been mentioned several times: “He who creates something new does it as a rower, advances, but behind his back, looking back, to the past. He works his new way looking back.” The analysis and debate of what was being done in education meant the need for the Curriculum de Orio, since the conclusions drawn from the days O3ten.HSN held in 2010 were the need to channel the relations between the different agents of the locality and to develop the character of Orio through a resume that emerged from the village. The objective is to contribute to the Basque Curriculum.

Oteiza’s own phrase reveals some of the characteristics that have influenced the character of the Oriotarras: the rowing and the sea. Regarding the curriculum, in the area of Humanities and Social Sciences, the relationship between Orio and the sea has been analyzed and integrated. “Orio, as a people living on the coast, has given us a lot of anger, sea, fishing, shipyards, rowing, husbandry… and let us not say anything about his maritime culture, his creativity, his traditions, his stories,” explains Eli Urdangarin, representative of the Ikastola of the Curriculum de Orio. Therefore, it is intended to inform the students about the basic characteristics and diversity of the physical environment of the locality, as well as the economic, social and cultural changes that entail their stay on the coast. Being a floating village, do the youngest of Orio know, for example, why a few decades ago there were so many boats in the port and so few today?

However, they do not want to teach in any way and when the compilation work was presented to define the characteristics of the Oriotarras, in June they highlighted the work in favor of equality of women and men in the Social Sciences. They explained that it is necessary to rise to the level of others and remembered the figures of the milk delivery companies, the merchants and the reilers.

Two other areas have been distinguished in the collection of information: Nature and Health Sciences and Music Education. The first is to analyze the biodiversity of the locality, health, hygiene and food, the impact of the population on the environment and the road to sustainable development. As for music, they find it interesting to draw up a list of twenty songs that merge the Oriotarras, to know the history of music and to know the dances.

conscious Euskaldunes

The people who work for the curriculum know that the children of the town will hardly have problems learning and practicing Euskera, as Orio is the “respirator of the Basque Country”. Consequently, they have other challenges. They want to maintain the richness of the people's language, because the way of life of the past left in the people a number of words that are gradually being lost, many of them linked to the sea and shipbuilding. The local literature will also accompany them.

The members of Orioko Trailers-Sortzen wanted to influence the attitude of the youngest and have been clear that they have to create conscious Basque speakers. “We have to export quality Basque people to Euskal Herria,” they said in the presentation to the public.

Citizen participation

Faced with this type of project, it is usually possible to delegate the decision and the drafting of the contents to a group of experts, but at Orio they have worked “experts” and “experts” locally. “When preparing the Orio Curriculum, local agents have a lot to say. In a pedagogical document that reflects the character of the village, the local schools are an important part. We want to raise awareness that education is something between school and the people,” says Urdangarin.

Therefore, they have used the sources of information they have in the locality to search for the elements that have developed personality. One of the axes has been the local magazine Karkara, which in their presentation indicated that it is a reference treasure in the town. A great deal of material has also been found on the Internet and in the interviews with the Ahotsak project.

But the closeness to citizenship has been greater thanks to live conversations with some of them. María Sagrario Miralles, for example, has contributed to Curriculum and the Oriotarras the experiences lived by her grandmother in the Maria Maestra children's school during Franco. For his part, “Danbolin” by Patxi Olid spoke about music, Basque, war, mushrooms, etc. Finally, they picked up the words of Martín Lizaso. These interviews will serve as complementary material.

In the collection of data, as has been said, they have had the collaboration of many local agents. Members of the groups that signed the Roma Agreement last year have been responsible for collecting information, turning agents and citizens into “active subjects”. They are agents in all areas: Municipal, sports, cultural, school, Etxeluze Gaztetxekoak, Txurrumuski Aisialdi Taldea, Herrio Natur Taldea, Harribil Dantza Taldea, Danbolin Musika Eskola…

Or representatives of the Gaztetxe, the Saltxerak group and the School of Experience, for example, met last March at the breakfast tertulia to talk about co-education. They talked about equality between men and women, about the world of work, about education received by different generations, about parties, etc.

Contribution of the centres

Thanks to the work of all of them, the informative reports that ended last year have been made available to the centers in September (Orioko Herri Ikastola and Zaragueta Herri Eskola), as Urdangarin explained, “for teachers to read and make their contributions.” This December the deadline for this will be closed and “then, following the participatory process, the current phase will be completed with conferences, round tables, coffee tables and a final look at all the material”. Then they will start writing the Orio Curriculum.

The new project does not yet have a concrete date for its implementation in the classrooms, but it is known that it will be implemented in Primary and Secondary, and it is planned to work through specific activities and actions.

However, the intention to strengthen the country ' s knowledge has gradually entered the classrooms in recent courses. “The mission of the Ikastola has been to help reach students, parents and teachers, informing about organized activities and encouraging participation,” explained the representative of the Ikastola Curricular de Orio. For example, in the last course, the action that took place on a Saturday was introduced in the school hours: “The students and teachers of the two centers were the protagonists of an action: they painted some columns of the village, representing knowledge about Orio”. The gray columns under the freeway since then have a color blue, green and yellow, and there are the whales, the mountains of the villages and the toponymic words.

The incorporation of the curriculum into the classrooms presupposes the materialization of the project, but not the culmination, since the character of the locality is linked to everyday events and requires updates. They will achieve the objective: “At the end of Orio’s studies, young people should have knowledge based on traditions, customs, stories, popular songs, coexistence and direct interaction with the environment.”

Herriari lotutako jaia

Erria Txikota. Herri arrantzale bateko esamoldea da, Orioko Curriculumean barneratzeko modukoa. Arrantzaleek itsasora joan aurretik txikota (itsasontzia kaira lotzen duen soka) askatzeko lehorrera egiten duten oihua da, aurtengo Kilometroak jaiari esker Euskal Herri osora zabaltzen ari dena.

Hori izan da, hain zuzen ere, aurtengo jaiaren helburuetako bat: urriaren 5ean jendea herrian hartzeaz gain Orioren nortasuna herriko mugez harago eramatea. Eta horrek isla izango du egunean bertan ere, Herri Ikastolako guneko eskaintza osoa herriko eragileek sortua izango delako. Ibilbidean zehar, gainera, herriko adineko pertsonek emandako informazioarekin eta argazki zaharrekin osatutako panelak jarriko dituzte, Gipuzkoako ikastolen aldeko jaira gerturatzen direnek ibilbide osoa egin eta Oriori buruzko bitxikeriak ezagutu ditzaten.

Gaztetxoek ere izango dute zer egina, iaz Tolosan martxan jarritako Erronka abentura lehiaketa Orion ere egingo baitute. Izandako arrakasta medio, ikastolen aldeko jai guztietara zabaldu da lehiaketa, eta herriko gazteak dagoeneko murgildu dira abenturan, ikasturte honetan herrian ospatutako Erria Txikota Astearen barruan probaren bat egiteko aukera izan zuten-eta. Ekintzaren ikusgarritasuna aprobetxatuz, zirkuituak dituen bost gunetako lautan jokatuko dute lehia eta finala arratsaldean izango da autopista azpian, uretan.

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