On the first Thursday of the coming months, the organization of this special workshop “has come out of the audience of our room” tells us Luque Tagua, member of the Foundry. “Normally after the show, it is usual to offer a glass of wine to viewers, so that the meeting between the creator and the audience is the meeting point or, simply, to talk among us about what we have seen. The public likes to speak, and to do so you don't need to be a professional or an expert in performing arts. We have often been surprised by the power that viewers have.”
The workshop intends to regulate this appointment in some way and gather it on the first Thursday of each month. The entrance will be free and free, and the driver of the program will be the journalist and amateur of the performing arts David Barbero, usual among the public of La Foundry. “The topic of conversation doesn’t have to be about the program that shows The Foundry. What has been seen somewhere else can also be brought to our house,” said Luque.
The first meeting of the workshop will be on 2 October. Olatz de Andrés, member of the dance school Muelle 3 de Bilbao, dancer and choreographer, and Pablo Isbert, playwright of the theater group of El Conde de Torrelel of Barcelona will talk about the dance piece Something valuable is exhausted. Something valuable is exhausted will be presented at the BAD festival to be held from 21 October. According to Luque, they want to know “how dance influences and this playwright who comes from the world of text influences the body.”
They will also have the presence of Pedro Barea, a theatre critic of El Correo, who will explain in the newspapers of general information the treatment they have of the theatre or contemporary dance.
Guests will make a presentation of about 10 minutes and then the audience turn. “We want to boost public participation. Let them talk about what you've seen, what you like, what you would like, because we want to bring all the perspectives together," Tagua said.
“Culture has many layers and there are many agents working from its shores. They can be dancers, actors, playwrights, producers, managers, communication managers... they all agree on the scene” explains the member of the Foundry. “We want to create a horizontal structure with everyone, and bring the public into this space, that feels comfortable and that has the opportunity to speak. To the extent that culture is leisure, we want to give the general public the opportunity to talk about something they like, in this open space,” says Luque. In short, they are disgusting speeches.
Thus, in La Foundry there will be talk about the innovative and youthful character of contemporary creation, its edges and layers. The new dramaturgies, the body and its poetics, the role of criticism, the role of the public or the relationship of music and lighting with contemporary creation are some examples.
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