After 30 years, there are no Valencian immersion models in the schools of Valencia. Instead of forcing families to study several subjects in Valencian, the Education Council has allowed families to choose the language, while they have been forced to study several subjects in Spanish. For the president of Escola Valenciana, Vicente Moreno, the administration has not taken into account that Castilian and Valencian are in different conditions, and instead of discriminating positively they have opted for real plurilingualism.
Escola Valenciana has indicated that, in this course, the Valencian lines of the schools have decreased considerably, but the School Council has avoided comparisons with the data of two years ago and with those of last year. However, Escola Valenciana has been content with more than enough data to notice the fall. The centres may offer the Valencian line or the Spanish language, as well as both. According to data from the 2014-2015 academic year, of the 19,292 lines that are being offered in public and concerted schools, 41.54% are concentrated in Valencian and 58.46% in Spanish.
Around 100 Valencian lines have disappeared in the public schools of children aged 3 and nine in Spanish have been broadcast in the concerted schools.
The most serious situation is in primary school. The Education Council has extended the authorization to schools to choose between languages, but with an important precision: they have permission to teach almost all the subjects in Spanish, while they have greatly limited the number of subjects in Valencian. In the Valencian model, if you take as many subjects in Valencian as authorized, the distribution among the three languages is as follows: 46.6% in Valencian, 36.8% in Spanish and 16.6% in English. In the Spanish model: 24% in Valencian, 60% in Spanish and 16% in English.
The Catalan linguist Carme Junyent died last September. We have followed closely what he said about language policy here, hoping that we will ever dare to implement some of his proposals. I was behaving without burnings. Many examples have been gathered in this journal: ARGIA... [+]
Frantsesa da nagusi, frantses instituzioetan. Haatik, urtez urte, erakunde publikoetan ere lekua egiten hasi dira euskara, korsikera edota bretoiera. Hemen, horren adibide ditugu, Ortzaizeko, Urruñako, Hendaiako edota Urepeleko herriko kontseiluak, baita Hirigune Elkargoa... [+]