Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

The okupas houses of the far-right, a growing danger

  • The followers of the far-right parties in the Spanish State have begun in recent months the occupation of their buildings “to provide shelter and support to the Spaniards who have been evicted from their homes”.
Keinu faxistak Madrilgo zentroan. Etxebizitza eta lan duinaren aldeko ideiak baliatu dituzte xenofobia hedatzeko.
Keinu faxistak Madrilgo zentroan. Etxebizitza eta lan duinaren aldeko ideiak baliatu dituzte xenofobia hedatzeko.Dani Gago / DISO Press
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

Neonazien MSR (Movimiento Social Republicano), with this movement, has linked the political party, the Youth League or the group of 2,000 countries in Spain. Buildings have been occupied in Zaragoza and Madrid. Castellón has also been made with another building, but it is too deteriorated. The last occupations appear to be related to the social houses of Casal Tramuntana (Barcelona) and Mª Luisa Navarro (Valencia).

The “social house” of Zaragoza

In June the MSR supporters occupied a building located in the neighborhood of Las Fuentes de Zaragoza. Since the beginning of the occupation, leaflets with acronyms and MSR symbols have been distributed.

Las Fuentes and Zaragoza multi-racial. In defence of a dignified coexistence, under the slogan Fascists outside our neighborhoods, a demonstration against the far-right was held in mid-July and a communiqué was read in front of the occupied building. The members of the "social house" responded to the protesters with a banner in which one could read that poverty has no face.

The “social house” of Madrid

Following the Zaragoza model, in August he also occupied a building in the Madrid district of Tetuan. Anti-fascist groups convened a demonstration against August 30 under the slogan The Racists outside our neighborhood.

About 1,000 people participated in the demonstration that ended with the reading of a communiqué, as was done in Zaragoza, in front of the building occupied by the demonstrators. There were no incidents, but several occupants responded with a fascist greeting and insulted from the roof of the building.

"Etorkinaren aldeko diskriminazio positiboa egiten dute instituzioek"

“Gobernuz Kanpoko Erakundeek eta instituzioek etorkinaren aldeko diskriminazio positiboa egiten dute, eta bitartean zakarrontzietan bila dabiltzan espainiarrak ikusten ditugu. Jende babesgabe asko dago, eta horiek laguntzea da gure helburua”. 24 urteko emakume madrildarra da mintzo dena, filosofian lizentziatua. Madrilgo zentroko bozeramailea elkarrizketatu dute La Ser irrati-katean. (...)

Ezinbestean, Greziako Urrezko Egunsentia dator gogora. Madrilgo bozeramailearen hitzetan, “gure herria maite dugula partekatzen dugu haiekin”. Alderdi ultraeskuindarra defendatzen ere entzun dugu irratian: “Onak ez dira hain onak ezta gaiztoak hain gaiztoak ere. Hedabide guztiak ados jartzen direnean erakunde bat difamatzeko, zerbait ari dira ezkutatzen”.

Migratzaile magrebtar eta aljeriarrak hirian gizarte-laguntzetatik bizi direla eta lan egiteari uko egiten diotela bota du uda honetan Javier Maroto Gasteizko alkateak. Halako adierazpen interesatuak gizartean zabalduz gero, ez gaitezen harritu dagoeneko Italian eta Espainian ugaritu diren “zentro sozial” eskuindarren modukoak iristen badira Euskal Herrira ere.

You are interested in the channel: Xenofobia
‘Seguru? Auzo seguruen alde’ leloa izango du aurtengo arrazakeriaren eta xenofobiaren kontrako martxak Donostian

1960ko martxoaren 21ean, Hegoafrikako Poliziak 69 lagun hil zituen apartheidaren kontrako manifestazio baketsu batean. Ordutik, egun hori Arrazakeriaren eta Xenofobiaren Nazioarteko eguna ospatzen da, aldarrikapenez beteta. SOS Arrazakeriak urtero gai ezberdin bat lantzeko... [+]

Concentration in Donostia against street solidary dinners with the participation of pp councillors
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They denounce the rise in racist attitudes and aggressions in Donostia and call to fight
In a massive press conference with the City Hall, many social and political actors in the city have expressed concern about the racist, clasile and fascist attitudes taking place in Donostia-San Sebastián. A total of 37 groups have offered a joint reading, among others, Ernai,... [+]

2024-05-07 | Mikel Aramendi

He speaks and sows nervousness. It shows how the speaker is among his supporters. Among others because he clarifies his thinking.

Joe Bide's multiple mistakes are becoming a mythical background. The world of 2024 just needed it. Of course, their election campaigns.

On this... [+]

Jaime Iribarren (LAB)
“Zapia buruan eramateagatik diskriminatu egiten dituzte lantokietan”

Elkarretaratzea egin dute Iruñean asteazkenean SOS Arrazakeria taldeak eta LAB sindikatuak salatzeko zapia buruan erabiltzen duten zenbait emakumeri "mehatxuak" eta "irainak" eragin dizkietela euren lanpostutan. "Ohikoa" den diskriminazioa... [+]

The dream of Le Pen, the execution of Macron

The Immigration Act, voted on December 19 by Marine Le Pen of the far-right RN, has been qualified as "ideological victory". A text of that range in dreams did, but it didn't really represent it. Le Pen himself says: "I didn't expect text from that range." In fact, Emmanuel Macron has... [+]

Five years nobody claims the illegal
For five years, the Inor ez da Ilegala project has deployed shirts, jerseys and handbags with the motto of the rights of migrants; the cooperation and solidarity initiative has given us many stories and experiences; and, unfortunately, the project is still more alive than ever,... [+]

The Parliament of Navarra wants to create a protocol to stop the xenophobic speech of Vox
President Unai Hualde warns of the danger of “utterly racist discourses” on the far right. It believes that the organization should avoid conduct that violates human rights.

Improves stigmatization with people of foreign origin in the CAPV
The results of Basque Immigration Observatory Barometer 2023 indicate that “the degree of tolerance of Basque society has returned to the values of 2021”. According to the data, this is directly related to the chronification of the war in Ukraine and the stabilisation of... [+]

2023-07-11 | Gedar
French police stop Black and Arab youth 20 times more
According to the French Human Rights Ombudsman, 80% of people on this profile have been detained in police checks. This practice "may aggravate conflicts between different communities and the police" has long been warned by experts.

2023-04-18 | ARGIA
Hate crimes have doubled in the ICSC, especially racist and xenophobic crimes
The Basque Government has reported on the hate crimes recorded by the Ertzaintza in 2022: 438 facts in total, 57% more than in 2021. Crimes related to racism and xenophobia remain the most widespread, followed by those related to sexual orientation or sexual identity. Most... [+]

The Ertzaintza uses a xenophobic system to measure the risk of male violence
A study by Algorithm Watch reveals that a victim test asks about the origin of the victims and the aggressor. However, he considers non-Westerners "alien".

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