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Mugimenduan zabiltzan horrentzat, hausnarketarako tresna kutxa

  • Dabilen harriari goroldiorik ez: Hainbaten artean.

    Joxemi Zumalabe Fundazioa, 2014

Herri mugimenduetan ibiltzeak (edozein delarik ere bere kolorea) aztarna utzi dizu bizitzan, nortasunean. Harribitxia den liburuxka honek iraganean izandako bizipenak goldatzeko eta gaurko lan esparruetan eraginkorrago izateko klabeak pausatuko dizkizu, eta “militantzia”ri buruzko egungo ikuspegia eskainiko: Eguneroko bizitza bera militantzia dela, proiektu kolektiboak eta norberaren bizi-proiektua uztartzearen garrantzia, harreman sanoek eragin zuzena dutela emaitzan, antolatzeko dauden eredu horizontalen abanikoa... Herri mugimenduetan sumatzen zituzten galdera eta kezkei forma emanez, 2012 eta 2013an Joxemi Zumalabe Fundazioak hamaika lan saio antolatu zituen eta bertan hainbat herri mugimendutako 223 pertsonak (124 emakume eta 99 gizon) hartu zuten parte (besteen artean Bilgune Feminista, Ikasle Abertzaleak, Herrira, Sortzen Ikasbatuaz, EHZ...). Herri mugimenduek, urteetako esperientziatik planteatu dute, aurrera begira zer elementu saihestu edo aldatu nahi duten, eta zer nabarmendu edo indartu. Bi kultura edo polo daude tentsioan, bakoitza bere alde on eta txar guztiekin: herria “sakrifiziotik” edo “bizipozetik” eraikitzea.

Benetan pertsonengan oinarritzen diren enpresa guztientzat ere, ezinbestekoa den hobekuntzarako liburua: zehatza, argia eta laburra.

Liburua eta esperientzia pertsonalak biltzen dituen DVDa 5 euroan eskuratuko duzu.

2025-02-17 | ARGIA
Ikasle feministek elkarretaratzea egin dute Gasteizko EHUko campuseko irakaslearen sexu erasoak salatzeko

Gertatutakoak ez direla kasualitatea azpimarratu dute. Unibertsitateko eremuetan indarkeria matxista gertatzen dela azaldu dute, eta arazoa sistematikoa dela. Protokolo bat eskatu dute erasotuak babesteko. Erasotzaileak inpunitate osoarekin jokatu duela salatu dute.

Bi futbol taldek planto egin dute irain arrazisten aurrean Bizkaian eta partiduak bertan behera geratu dira

Gaztelueta C -Berango C gazteen futbol partidua bertan behera geratu zen Larunbatean. Jokatzen ari zirela Gaztelueta C taldeko gazte batek aurkariari "beltz zikin madarikatua" deitu zion. Gorengo erregional mailako Otxarkoaga-Iturrigorri partiduan ere... [+]

Bederatzi pertsonari lau eta hamar hilabete arteko kartzela-zigorrak ezarri dizkie Voxen kontra protesta egiteagatik Bilbon

Atxuri auzoan 2019ko azaroaren 5ean Voxen kontra egin zuten bederatzi pertsonaren kontrako epaia iritsi da. Akusatuek ez dute espetxean sartu beharko.

2025-02-17 | Axier Lopez
The son of the Itzians?

For almost a century, there has been no generation in the Basque Country that has not known torture. There are 5,379 people officially since 1960, but there are many more, because appearing publicly as tortured still hurts. And probably because nothing has changed at the base... [+]

Eneko Andueza will remain Secretary General of the PSE-EE
The new leadership of the PSE-EE has received the approval of 95% of its members. In the Executive Committee proposed by Andueza, only eight of the previous 26 members will leave their posts.

Europe wants to claim a place in the peace negotiations in Ukraine in the face of the exclusion of the US
In response to Macron’s call, NATO and European leaders will meet in Paris on Monday after the US and Russia announced they are about to resume talks to end the war in Ukraine. Europe has spent a lot of money helping Ukraine, and when the negotiation period that can end the... [+]

Call for public accountability at the presentation of the...
900 victims of torture have gathered in San Sebastian to present the Network of Tortured People of the Basque Country on February 15. The initiative aims to be a loudspeaker for the tortured, and citizens who have not yet reported torture are encouraged to join the network. The... [+]

In defense of Labraza
"(The purpose of the Oion Plenary) is clear, to legitimize by law the energy megaprojects with significant irregularities in the processing"

Last Wednesday we had a hard and unpleasant day, not only for Labraza, but also for all the towns where we are threatened by a wind,... [+]

The gender gap between young people increases in terms of political position
The political position of young people in the last twenty years has been the subject of study in The Economist. Men between the ages of 18 and 29 are in more conservative positions than women.

The Basque Government approves the construction of the Vitoria Solar 1 and 2 photovoltaic parks in the Vitoria area
Each park will have sixty hectares and the project has a budget of 32 million euros. With the confirmation of the environment and technical permits, the project only lacks the urban planning permit to start the construction.  

The demonstration for the future of the industry brings together thousands of people in Pamplona
The workers’ committees of companies such as BSH, Sunsundegui, Nano Automotive, Siemens Gamesa, Tenerias Omega, Tasubinsa and Volkswagen, which are at risk, have expressed their impatience and asked the Government of Navarre to “articulate a truly guarantor legislation”.

In full tension, a new prisoner exchange between Israel and Hamas
One month after the ceasefire was agreed, Hamas frees 25 of the 33 hostages agreed for the first phase. Israel released 985 prisoners. The second phase is due to enter into force on 2 March, but the steps to be taken by the two sides remain to be determined.

The analysis
Nostalgia 'sold out'

Things aren’t easy in fact, and it will be for one reason or another, but lately I’ve bitten my tongue more than I should for these two things: the culture of the sold out and the FOMO – the latter perhaps has to be explained, because it’s not said so many times: the... [+]

Response to Cedares Forum
Investing in Defense

In mid-January, the Cedarras Forum presented the report Euskadi and the European Union, the shared destiny of prosperity and competitiveness. It contains recommendations for the PPAs, taking as a reference the reports submitted by Draghi and Letta for the European Union.

Based... [+]

Eguneraketa berriak daude