Lorenza Mazzetti, an 86-year-old Italian film director and writer, came to the pages of Argia with Fernando Rey and Xabier Olarra. The sky collapses as much as autobiographical novels, interviews with members of the editorial Igela deserve attention (http://www.argia.eus/argia-astekaria/2413/ lorenza mazzetti). Because while building a map of the tragedies lived on your skin, it serves to contextualize the narrative, it explains the causes and keys of the book's writing.
The narrative is completed from the child's point of view, which gives strength, grace and tension to the novel. The imaginaries of the two protagonists and the values that give to what is learned in the doctrine are often astonished. It's also the need to mention lifelong love and to graduate people accordingly.
Heaven, which the author himself had saved from his own suicide, collapses when he wrote it. However, the result led the writer beyond therapy. Literally praised, for example, by film director Federico Fellini, he said it was the most fun book ever read from the war. Above all, it can be said that it is a denunciation of fascism and religious fundamentalism.
We recently read the novel My little village by Gael Faye at the Escuela de Lectores de Borrería, in the version translated into Basque by Irati Bereau. The book tells the story of Gabriel – a child born in Burundi. His father is French and his mother is an exiled Tutsi who... [+]
The harsh verdict against Proces came out in October 2019 and that set Barcelona on fire. In this context, in the Spanish State, the following sentence was read in the right-wing press: “For the good of Spain, Barcelona should be bombed every 50 years.” It was the phrase of... [+]