What has been the work of these 10 years?
In the streets of Bilbao you hear a lot of txistu. In addition to maintaining this tradition, we have started to work in other areas: every fifteen days we have concerts in the Euskalduna Palace; we have multiplied the discography by taking out about five albums; we have incorporated musicians who do not write for txistu; we organize the alarm of txistu of the Aste Nagusia; we have shown ourselves outside. These 10 years have been very intense and, fortunately, we continue with the same commitment of principle, as we love our instrument.
The preservation of heritage and the opening of new roads is not a fragile objective.
That's totally internalized by this band of txistularis. Our instrument is very daily. In the street animation, in the municipal protocol and in the institutional work, the txistu is heard everywhere, accompanying the dantzaris, offering concerts, tributes, religious trades. But because we're 21st-century professional musicians, we can't help but try to explain to people the multiple faces of the Txistu. To our surprise, people are surprised, even in Euskal Herria. We have made quiet and sensitive music on the Sosegua album. Now we're working with musician Xabier Zabala on a new age reflection. We also took out a product with Angel Unzu and a jazz quartet.
Linked to tradition but with a vocation of contemporaneity.
I have always said that the txistu has never been very fashionable, but never goes through fashion. It is up to us to show what it can do. Txistu is part of our story, if they're similar around the world, but ours is unparalleled, there's no such fine-tuned music in the world, we can be proud of the quality of our Txistu. We've just been in South Korea, and we've left everybody with their mouths covered.
In the 20th century, especially after the War of 36, Txistu became an official learning, and from the 1970s on, we are professional musicians, graduates. This has meant new generations and diversity of trends. Today it is very common to listen to the Txistu in contemporary music, in chamber music, with a symphony orchestra or in Folk and there has its future. We have to work with the presence of the Txistu in different formats, without neglecting the street and dance. As for teaching, the txistu will have another reality, probably depending on each area, as it is not touched in the same way in Pamplona or Bilbao.
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