The family of Germán Rodríguez and the platform San Fermines 78 goan want Argentine Judge María Servini to investigate what happened during the Sanfermines of 1978 in the case against the crimes of Franco. On 8 July, hundreds of people gathered in the tribute to the victim, killed by the police.
Family members and friends will embark on the path of justice "in the hope" that those responsible for these events will be made available to the courts. After 36 years without receiving any official explanation, judges have not convicted anyone for attempted murder. That's why they're going to seek justice abroad.
On July 8, 1978, the Police carried bullets to the population inside and outside the bullring and the clashes spread throughout Pamplona. Dozens were wounded and one of them, Germán Rodríguez, was killed because of a bullet that struck him in his head. In the coming days the protests spread throughout Euskal Herria and the police also shot the young Donostian Joseba Barandiaran, who died.
Following the offensive in Pamplona, civil governor Ignacio Llano resigned and commanders Rubio and Ávila were relieved of their jobs. The latter issued an order to “shoot with all his forces, not worry if they kill him”, as can be heard in a sufficiently well-known audio.
For many, the chief responsible for the events is the Minister of Government of Spain, Martín Villa, and the until then police chief, José Sainz. The Peñas de Pamplona set up a commission of inquiry and proceedings were opened through lawyers, but the Spanish Justice filed the death records.
The portal interviewed the young man's brother, Fermín Rodríguez, who was the victim of gender violence in the Basque Country. He says that one cannot forget what happened and that the Argentine complaint will help: “My dream is to see Martin Villa and the other leaders of the Sanfermines of 1978 sitting in the dock of the guilty and punished. I know that’s not very feasible, but I’d like at least these people to be officially responsible and the story to remember how things were.”
In the tribute to Germán Rodríguez were also the brothers of Joseba Barandiaran, who said they wanted to know "the truth."
1978ko uztailaren 8an poliziak German Rodríguez gaztea tiroz hil zuen Iruñeko zezen plazatik gertu. San Fermin tragiko haietatik 30 urte pasa dira eta Josu Chueca historialaria bere bizitza ikertzen ari da. German ez zegoen kasualitatez barrikaden lehen lerroan,... [+]
I don’t know exactly when this article will see light, but I imagine that by the time it comes out, the act of July 8, 2018 will take place in memory of the 40th anniversary of the death of Germán Rodríguez.
I have no doubt that the Town Hall Square will be filled to the... [+]