During the weekend of July 11 to 13, Lekeitio will be filled with theatre with the celebration of the International Street Theatre Festival. The festival, which has been surprising and boasting the public and the fans for 25 years, has become an inescapable date in this time, thanks to the visions, big and innovative, that have acted there.
The Lekeitio festival, the first of Euskal Herria, has created a system that extends year after year and currently has a large audience and cultural programmers interested in getting to know the new edition.
The town joins the festival, and little by little, Lekeitio's neighbors have become experts in street theater. You can only hear it in the streets, bars and corners. Aittitte Txikia is a citizens’ working group that makes an extraordinary effort to get everything right, and witnesses the result obtained year after year.
This year’s offer will be completed with three productions expressly created for the festival. One is Itsaslaboa. Birds: It is the Sea of Madmen, which will be represented by the contemporary company Dantzaz. As suggested in his name, it is based on the music of Mikel Laboa, and the one who played regularly with him, Iñaki Salvador, has made the fixes. The work is part of the training of Mikel Laboa, a singer who was a career doctor, specifically a psychiatrist. In this way, the beach of Lekeitio will become a asylum through the dance.
Dantzaz is a special company. It is a platform made up of young people who finish their dance studies and are in the process of professionalization. They guarantee quality, innovation and freshness every time. On the other hand, the transformation of the beach into a stage and the show from 23:00 will make the spectator a special charm.
Then, the percussion and fire will take over the streets of the Biscayan locality. Les Commandos Percu (France) and Euskal Herriko Deabru Beltzak (Euskal Herria) will be in charge of arranging the live day with Danbor Talka. It is the largest and most expensive show ever displayed in the Basque Country, in terms of works that merge fire and percussion.
This rhythmic spectacle will consist of 16 people. One part is immobile and the other part is ambulatory.
The third show created expressly was created by the music group Oreka TX and Kukubiltxo: Our Great Musicians. Aupa Maurizia! This work wants to be a tribute to five musicians who have been of great importance in our history. Maurizia, León and Fasio, who was the precursor of the Arratia trikitixa, and on the other hand, two historical txalapartaris of Gipuzkoa, Zuaznabar and Goikoetxea, have been honoured. To do so, they have created five giant dolls.
The destructive clown of the Salitre group, the irony of the Argentine clown Loco Brusca or the poetic pasacalles of the French group Tout Samba´l complete this year’s program.
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