On 12 June, Eyal Yifrah, 19, Gilad Shaar, 16, and Naftali Fraenkel, 16, were abducted while returning from a seminar on religion in one of the UN’s illegalized colonies. 14 days later, on June 30, the lifeless bodies of the three young people were found on the grounds of the Hebron. From the outset, the Israeli Government attributed the kidnapping to the Islamist movement Hamas, which to date had not submitted any evidence against it. HAMAS has stated in all its public statements that it has no connection with this action and that it has no connection with it.
This was called the military operation undertaken by the Israeli Government to locate the three young people and punish HAMAS, which were detenidos.Durante the two weeks of searching for the bodies of young people, Israeli forces arrested more than 600 Palestinians, occupied military in Hebron (the largest Palestinian city), killed 12 people, including fewer than 10, 13, 16 and 17 years of age, killed more than 2,200 settlers. To this must be added that, in the view of many, in the Gaza Strip, the world ' s largest prison, 35 bombs were attacked, in response to rockets launched by the Palestinian resistance that did not cause victims.
In view of the magnitude of the condemnation of the Palestinian population, calls for attacks have been massive at the international level. Nor have there been few who have linked military actions with political objectives. In fact, two weeks before the kidnappings, Al Fatah and HAMAS signed an agreement to re-establish the government of national unity. Accused of the kidnappings of HAMAS, the climate of violence has been imposed on politics and the steps taken in that agreement have not been implemented.
The discovery of corpses caused a great revolution in Israeli society. “You have to pass the pain to the cruel enemy. Let’s look at Ramadan for his darkest month!” asked Israeli politician Michael Ben-Ari. Housing Minister Uri Ariel called for the death of Hamas leaders and the government stated that "mass construction of new colonies should be addressed". In the international arena, calls for the suspension of military action have multiplied, including Amnesty International. The Israeli Government granted "institutional support" to the climate of revenge through selective bombardment, culminating in 1-O. Netanyahu bombed the homes of two members of HAMAS, considered the main culprits of the murder, without respecting international legality, which died in 2008.
The following day, on 1 July, the official funeral of the three young people of the village was held in Jerusalem. At the end of the act, about 200 Israelis took to the streets of the city in shouts of "killing the Arabs." The next day he fired him with images of the scorched corpse of a 16-year-old Palestinian in Gaza, in Gaza.
The young man kidnapped the young man in front of his house in the Shufat district of Jerusalem. The post-mortem has revealed that Abu Khdeir was burned alive in a forest near the city of Jerusalem. The Israeli police have arrested six settlers in connection with the murder of two girls in Gaza. One of them has agreed to participate in the operation and has involved the other detainees in the same operation. According to Maan News, these are young men, some of them minors, who have been arrested. Bei Shemesh and Adam are neighbors of the colonies.
The attacks by settlers in an atmosphere of revenge, and in particular the murder of the young man in Jerusalem, have aroused the indignation of the Palestinians. Protests have intensified day by day and attacks on the Israeli police have intensified. The incidents have been particularly serious in the victim ' s neighbourhood, in the village of Shuafat in Jerusalem. On the first night of the disturbances, 170 protesters had to be treated by the medical services due to injuries caused by the Israeli police.
On 4 July last, the BBC English Channel announced that Hamas and the Israeli Government had reached an agreement not to attack each other. Through the mediation of the Egyptian Government, Hamas would be prepared to stop its rocket attacks if the Israeli Army decides to suspend its bombings in the Gaza Strip. According to BBC sources, this was approved by both sides, but the reality differs from the positions opposed to the peace agreement. “We have to put our hands on those who promote fear, those of Hamas must know that they are their destiny,” said the Foreign Minister of the Government of Israel, Avigdor Lieberman, on the day of the ceasefire rumors. In the wording of this article, the line chiefs say that the Israeli bombs have killed ten more Palestinians in Gaza, and that Netanyahu has to act responsibly.
Aginte Palestinarraren Informazio Ministerioak argitaratu dituen azken datuen arabera, 2000 eta 2013 urte artean Israelgo armadak adin txikiko palestinar bat hil du hiru egunetik behin. Bigarren Intifada hasi zenetik 18 urte azpiko 6.000 zauritu eta 9.000 atxilotu dituzte, Ministerioko datuen arabera. Datu hauek ulertzeko, Palestinako populazioaren erdia 18 urtez azpikoa dela kontutan hartu behar da.
Gorroto mezu eta elkar aurpegiratzeen artean bada hitzari ateak ireki dizkionik. Min gehien jaso dutenen aldetik etorri da, gainera. “Bahiketa eta hilketen aurka nago. Izan judua ala arabiarra. Zeinek onartuko luke haren seme-alaba bahituta ikustea? Bi aldeek odol-huste hau gelditu behar dute”, esan zuen bahitu eta hil zuten gazte palestinarraren aitak. “Hilketa bat hilketa da beti. Edadeak edo nazionalitateak ez dute axola. Ez dago horretako justifikaziorik”, adierazi zuen prentsan hildako hiru kolono gazteetako baten osabak.
Asteburua baino lehen lau gatiburen gorpuak itzuliko ditu Hamasek. Horrela, Gazarako su-etenaren lehen faserako adostutako preso truke guztiak gauzatuko dituzte Israelek eta talde palestinarrak.
Yala Nafarroak deitutako manifestazioan 2.000 pertsona inguruk hartu dute parte eta Iruñeko hainbat kale zeharkatu ditu Gaztelu plazan amaitzeko. Azken irakurketan adierazi dutenez, "erokeria distopiko hori geldiarazi daiteke, askoz gehiago garelako kapital handiak... [+]
Jenin hiriaren aurkako oldarraldia duela hilabete bat baino gehiago abiatu zuen Israelek, geroztik 26 palestinar hil ditu gutxienez, eta milaka beren etxeetatik kanporatu. Israelgo armada Zisjordania iparraldean pasabideak eraiki nahian ari dela salatu dute, kanporatutako... [+]