The request of the Gerediaga association came to the Basque Parliament with EH Bildu on 13 June. Not as a legal proposal, the objective was to process 70,000 euros more, in addition to the 80,000 already delivered to the fair. Faced with the opposition of PSE, pp and PNV, the proposal did not prosper, the decision of the politicians was delayed until October, and the promoters of the fair turned on all the red lights. What kind of market is going to be organised if up to a month and a half before you don't know what money is going to be raised?
Thus, the Vice-Minister for Culture of the Basque Government, Joxean Muñoz, convened the meeting on 24 June. The meeting was long and, among other things, Muñoz pledged to increase the subsidy from EUR 80,000 to 120,000. In addition, it pledged to increase that amount in the coming years.
What happened in the Basque Parliament called into question the current model of the fair, which includes, in addition to the sales stands, Saguganbara, Irudienea, K@bia and Ahotsenea.
Gerediaga Elkartea receives not only help from the Basque Government, but also from private companies and other public institutions. In particular, the Basque Government has chosen to match the amount of EUR 120,000 granted by the Provincial Council of Bizkaia to the regional executive. The Council of Gipuzkoa, for its part, spends 30,000 euros to the fair and its communications officer, Argi Dorronsoro, has assured that “our commitment is to maintain this subsidy in the coming years”. On the other hand, Gerediaga Elkartea has not joined the call and it is expected that in the coming days Martín Garitano will also convene a meeting. The Member of Álava barely gives EUR 1,500 and the Government of Navarre does not receive a single euro.
Joxean Muñoz has highlighted the national character of the fair and stated that it needs the cooperation of all public institutions. “We agree with the Vice-Minister for Culture but that needs to be balanced and agreed between all public institutions,” says EH Parliamentarian Bildu Estitxu Breñas. “In Durango, people come from all over Euskal Herria, it has a national character, of course, and cofinancing among all the institutions seems to me the most logical. But that’s a very distant request from the fair,” says Gotzon Barandiaran, until now manager of Ahotsenea.
It seems that it is stable funding and an agreement between all public institutions that is the way to get the fair out of such a complicated economic situation that it would guarantee its duration.
The political will of some has been exposed and, as a result, the PNV has been uncomfortable for itself. The Gerediaga association considers that the Durango Fair does not receive sufficient aid from the Basque institutions, and sees a need for an agreement between them, since each year they have to agree on the subsidies of the public institutions, which generates a great discomfort in the association.
Apparently, the fair maintains the current model. According to Gotzon Baradiaran, “public institutions have an obligation to collaborate with the fair. Instead of improving infrastructure, we are in worse condition.”
At the heart of the debate, Vice-Advisor Muñoz referred to the model of the Durango Fair 2010. In his opinion, we must reflect on the model of the fair. In contrast, Estitxu Breñas of EH Bildu disagrees: “We join the model of creative spaces, which has stimulated, enriched and attracted more citizens. We do not question its viability, it seems to us that it is a matter of political will and decisions. We have to reflect on the financing model of the fair, and around this, EH Bildu claims the agreement for the fair, that is, stable financing, as demanded by the agents of Gerediaga”.
According to Gotzon Barandiaran, “the fair already has model. Let them say which model they think they would need. And if we have to talk to each other, let us talk, but not only about the fair model, but also about the other models supported by the Basque Government. Let’s say, for example, why EUR 3.8 million is spent each year on the Guggenheim museum.”
The data is there. With the money raised by the Guggeheim museum, 60 fairs can be held. In Barandiaran’s opinion, “the culture in Basque is only given the crumbs”.
This year, the fair turns 50 and is precarious. Dependence on public funds has not benefited the fair. “We often see culture linked to public money, but here any company receives public money, even those that have nothing to do with culture. What culture brings to society is education, coexistence, creativity, the way to be happier... Culture has many values, but we do not think that is the case. Culture is always the most punished, the biggest cuts are made in that area. The cultural projects they provide must be seriously supported,” explains Breñas.
Nola baloratuko zenuke Eusko Jaurlaritzako Kultura sailburuordearekin izandako bilera?
Lan bilera berezia izan zen, gauzak bere lekuan jartzeko, eta batez ere, konponbideak bilatzeko balio izan zuena. Finantzaketari lotutako bilera izan zen; nork, zenbat, noiz galderei erantzuteko ahalegina. Alde horretatik, aurrepauso garrantzitsua eman zuen Jaurlaritzak, azokak 120.000 euro jasoko zuela hitz eman baitzitzaigun.
Nahikoa izango da azokaren egungo ereduari eusteko?
Azoka ez da erakunde bakar baten diru-laguntzaz egiten. Une honetan badakigu Bizkaiko Diputazioak eta Eusko Jaurlaritzak ehun eta hogeina mila euro emango dituztela. Momentuz, horiek izango dira azokaren laguntzaile nagusiak, baina bi erakunde horien ekarpena baino gehiago behar da azoka aurrera eramateko. Babesle pribatuak ere badira, eta horrez gain, standen alokairuak ematen duena, baina hori ez dugu jakingo iraila bukatu arte. Une honetan, beste erakunde batzuekin ari gara lanean, Gipuzkoako Diputazioarekin eta Arabako Diputazioarekin, esaterako. Durangoko udalarekin uztailaren 3an bilduko gara. Bermatuko den egungo eredua? Etxean bezala, kontu guztiak egin ondoren helduko da gure balorazio orokorra.
Eusko Jaurlaritzarekin egindako bilera aurrerapausoa izan da, eskatzen genuen diru kopuru osoa heldu ez bada ere. Gainera, Eusko Jaurlaritzaren erantzuna garaiz heldu da, eta hori oso garrantzitsua da plangintzarako, ezin baita inprobisatzen aritu. Erakunde publikoek datozen urteetan azoka aurrekontuetan sartzeaz ere jardun genuen.
Erakunde publikoen finantzaketa egonkorra aspaldiko eskaera duzue.
Urtarriletik gabiltza erakundeak bisitatzen. Ordu asko eman ditugu guztiok honetan, puntatik punta ibili gara. Urtero horrela ibiltzea ezin du elkarte batek jasan.
Azoka bikaina antolatzearen ardura gure gain hartu eta denboraz aritzen gara, eta edozeini azalpenak emateko arazorik gabe. Egonkortasun ekonomikoak izugarri lagunduko luke azoka. Enpresa pribatuek euren kontuak egin behar dituzte, zenbateko ekarpena egingo duten esan aurretik, baina erakunde publikoek minimo batzuk bete behar dituztela uste dut. Kopuruak ziurtatu behar dizkigute urtero.
Zein balorazio egingo zenuke Gerediagarekin izandako bileraz?
Azken egunotako ezinegonak garbi adierazi ditugu eta horrek beti laguntzen du ulermenean. Orain arte, Gerediagarekin izan dugun harremana ona izan da eta konfiantza hori berreskuratu da berriz ere. Gainera, bilerako gaietako bat, gure arteko harremana indartzea, sendotzea eta hurbiltzea izan da. Giro onean aritu gara.
Eskatutako guztia jasoko dute?
Aurrekoan esandakoa adierazi diet. Hau da, erakundeok, kasu honetan Eusko Jaurlaritzak, konpromiso serioa hartu behar dugula azokarekin, besteak beste egonkortasuna bermatzeko. Baina ez dugu uste erantzukizun hori geurea denik osoki. Aurtengo azokarako, Bizkaiko Diputazioaren ekarpena berdindu dugu [122.000 euro], eta hala, bi erakundeok izango gara azokaren babesle nagusiak. Horixe, aurtengo konpromisoa.
2015eko urtarriletik aurrera, hausnartu beharra dago, egonkortasuna nola eman azokari, eta etorkizuna nola bermatu. Bestetik, erantzukizuna erakundeen artean banatu beharko da. Ahalegin handia egiten ari gara, baina gainerako erakundeek ere saiatu beharko luketela uste dut, bakoitza dagokion neurrian.
Erakunde publiko guztien arteko ahalegin hori adostu eta orekatu beharra dago?
Prozesua Gerediagak gidatu beharko lukeela iruditzen zait, horrela egin du 50 urtez.
Erakunde publiko guztien adostasuna eta elkarlana bultzatzea ez ote da lan konplexua kultur elkarte batek bere gain hartzeko?
Dudarik gabe, eta horregatik, alderdi politikoek eta erakundeek horren alde lan egin beharko dute. Erabaki batzuk premiazkoak dira baina horrek ez du esan nahi hausnartu behar ez denik. Premiazkoak dira aurtengo edizioari dagozkionak, eta horiek elkarteak berak bideratu behar ditu. Bestalde, 2015etik aurrera hausnarketa sakona egin behar dugu, erakundeen ekarpenak egonkortu egin behar direlako. Eta, nahi badute, guk badugu foro bat, Kultura Auzolanean. Aldiz, aurtengoak konpontzeko, Gerediagak egin beharko du gidaritza lana. Zaila izango zaiela? Nire ustez, erakundeokin ez dabiltza borrokan. Bileran gauza asko bideratu ditugula esango nuke, eta gainerako erakundeekin ere berdintsu izan liteke.
Nola liteke Legebiltzarrean hartutako erabaki politiko batek euskal kulturaren erreferente nagusia kolokan jartzea?
Ez nago batere ados. Geredigarekin hizketan ari ginen aurretik ere. Guk deituta, bilera egin genuen otsailean, eta zulo ekonomikoa bazela esan zitzaigun orduan. Eragozpenak eta kezkak zeintzuk ziren ere azaldu zitzaigun. Eusko Legebiltzarrean gertatutakoak ez du askorik lagundu, baina ez dut uste, halaber, han agertzeak kolokan jarri duenik ezer. Proiektua haiek ikusten duten moduan planteatu zuten, eta sintonia berean jartzea eskatu zuten, irtenbidea bilatzeko. Gurekin behintzat lortu dute sintonia, eta Bizkaiko Diputazioaren ekarpena berdinduta, nolabait sendotu dugu erakundeon parte-hartze handi bat.
Lanean jarraitu beharra dago, eta sektore guztiek azoka nola ikusten duten argitu. Baina ez dut uste kolokan egon denik. Dena den, oso proiektu gutxi ari dira gorantz, ekonomikoki hazten.
Azken finean, zein zen planteamendua? 2014an egin daiteke azoka egungo ereduari jarraiki? Guregatik bai. Horixe izan da bileraren ondorio nagusia.
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Being is doing. This is what the Durango Fair says this year, and it is true, at least in the case of the fair itself and taking into account Euskal Herria. This edition is already the 59th edition of the Azoka, and the fact that each year is celebrated shows that the Durango... [+]
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