90eko hamarkadan sistemak ia guztia asimilatuta zeukan, eta horren barne musika undergroundaren zati handia. Hardcore-punk eszenak sorpresa gutxi eskaintzen zizkigun eta bat-batean Aragoitik hardcorea berrasmatu zuen El Corazón del Sapo izeneko taldeak. Musikalki ez ezik, musika estiloa baino bizi-jarrera den honek zentzua hartu zuelako berriro; ezarritakoa ezbaian jarri eta suntsituz gizakia eraikitzekoa. Euskal Herrian ehunka bihotz berpiztu zituen eta taldea bera ere gure herriaz maitemindu zen. Hala, taldeko abeslari Fer Apoa euskalduna dugu aspalditik. Punk-rock-and-roll kementsuena euskaratu eta euskaldundu zuen Kuraia taldean aritu zen eta gaur egun musika industriala berpiztu duen Matxura taldean ere badabil. Baina bi proiektu horien artean, Kantabriako Kloakao taldeko kideekin eskola zaharreko hardcore-punk amorratuena egiteko Estricalla [hondamendia aragoieraz] sortu zuten.
Stop Control zigilu propioak ekoiztuta, kirola eta matxinada batzen dituzten hiru disko sukoi kaleratu dituzte, euskaraz eta gaztelaniaz abestuta: Gimnasia revolucionaria bata, Fuegos Olimpicos bestea, eta orain, Triple asalto mortal. Zapatilla hutsa, eskola zaharrekoa eta odolustu arte haginka egiten duena. Taldea musikalki mingarria eta oldarkorra bada ere, hitzek gizartean irensten duguna eraitsi eta gizakia erdigune izateko kontzientzia pizten dute nabarmen. Hitz oso landuak dira Fer-enak eta bibliografia zabala eskaintzen du disko guztietan.
Hirugarren lan hau orain arteko borobilena da, hardcore-punkaren irmotasunari eta garraztasunari ederto eutsiz, ñabardura zein osotasun zabalagoa eskaintzen diona. Kloakao taldeko bi kide gelditu dira eta horiei Erantzun-eko Hodei eta Hartzak Blues Band-eko Erik gehitu zaizkie. Taldea bere onenean dago.
Rockbespierre 1793 abestiak hardcore-punka gainbegiratu eta bukaera industriala du. Ra-Joy división 1312 and his fascists dogs eskola zaharrekoa, hardcore amorratua da, distortsioak lagunduta. Radio paranoika 99.00 am kantak punk-rocketik hardcore metalerora egiten du salto. 68º infernuko suaren kluba-k Fer-en marka laburbiltzen du hardcorea eta melodia tartekatuz. 397 días encerrado en un cuarto de baño abesti bereziena da, intro intrigantea, 713ªvo Amor-en arrastoa, hardcorea eta heavya (barkatu, rock gogorra) uztartuz.
Biniloaren B aldea Sal Paradise eta Dean Moriartyren 17. bidaia Martera abestiak zabaltzen du, erritmo aldaketa eta melodia bereizgarriekin. Opus diaboli 666 maldan beherako punk anfetaminikoa da. Ziklo bat naiz izenburuaren espresio bera. 2luzik RKLren zigilua duen punk azkarra. Eta bukatzeko, pastelaren ginda, The real terrorist and his 1001 weapons of mass oppression: antzina DOA talde kanadarrak Dead Kennedys-eko abeslariarekin batera egin zuen maisu-lanaren haritik, Estricallak Jello Biafra gonbidatu eta antzeko emaitza lortu du, potentea, rockeroa, oinarri erritmiko oso sendoa duena eta bukatzea nahiko ez genukeena.
I was surprised – in a good sense – by this new project. In Bergara, Aitor Aldanondo, created around a stone, has many senses. In this work he wanted to somehow get what he has lived for years.
Aldanondo started her musical career in the Criminal Brigade group, dedicated to... [+]
On the occasion of a documentary about Eñaut Elorrieta, I was invited to Tabakalera two or three weeks ago. I liked the invitation to the colloquial premiere, but when I approached the film I began to find many people, there Paul e Itziar, there Maiz, there Eneko, Olatz e... [+]
Sometimes you have to combine a lot of elements to get a result you haven't anticipated. This has happened in some way with the Feline group, created between Gernika and Bermeo. Iñaki Baini, from the Punk First Aid group, started playing with electronics at home and recorded... [+]
"Here, as a revelation, space and time look clearer." Look at Narbaiza come back and thank you. Narbaiza is one of the most special singers on the scene. There is no more to see how new songs govern.
Because for most creators, what we do is the shadow of what we've done once... [+]
I was very pleased that the Artza brothers, together with the launch of the new record, intended to retrieve and vinyl the Barrakos model, where would I buy it? In fact, the model cited in 1990 is a treasure that our music has been ignored in history. Some of those who would act... [+]
There's no other way, you have to change what you don't like and create something else: break it and start from scratch. That was the basis of punk, and that's what Leire Led Inferno (voice) and Txerra Bolinaga (drums) decided when the Piztupunk group voluntarily dissolved and... [+]
If you're one of those listening to music on the Internet, you almost certainly know Kokoroko. You don't think so, but take a second and look for Abusey Junction. The melancholic riff guitar by Oscar Jerome has been known for being among the favorites of the algorithm of platforms... [+]
The Neoma group leads to the percussion of tradition, with a careful electronic mold. Leire Etxezarreta, Amets Ormaetxea and Irati Gutierrez de Arrasate, Garazi Otaegi de Asteasu, Eneritz Aulesti de Zarautz, Maria Lasa de Zizurkil and Alaitz Eskuero de Deba are the seven... [+]
In 1988, in the midst of punk youth and RRV in Euskal Herria, between Bilbao and Santurtzi, four brave young men who looked at transoceanic music, including the antipodes, founded the La Secta group, one of the drivers of the pioneer fanzine The Heritage of the Munster. In... [+]
Euskal Herria will not issue stories like Searching for sugar man. What we are going to do is diminished and disadvantaged. But this small town, and the great hell, is the one that has given many myths that come out of the shadows and come back into the shadows.
In the 1980s,... [+]
The Perlata de Arrasate group will not marry almost anyone. Since 2015 they have been making their own way, looking at what is being done around them, but in their own direction and pace and not reassure them. They carry quite a few records and miles on their backs. I was... [+]
The pandemic crisis has also been a new opportunity for regeneration, as demonstrated by the Odolaren Mintzoa group in Usurbil. His work mocking normality has been slowly cured in the Garate de Andoain studies. With the help of Kaki Arkarazo collects 8 refined songs.
As for the... [+]
Any of us, each of us, are necessarily a reflection swimming in an immense sea surrounded by threats, opportunities and many other living beings. We have a good job in managing our own flotation line, as well as choosing what to collect and dispense with waves, waves, etc. They... [+]
In the end he has done so. Finally, after years of progress, bertsolari Odei Barroso has taken his first solo job. Well, bertsolari doesn't. Raplari before being bertsolari. But the wisdom of the verse is well used, to say with rhyme to those who had to say and shake themselves... [+]