Although the etymological origin of the name of Brazil is not yet clear, the most accepted theory is that of the philologist Adelino José da Silva Azevedo. According to him, the word would originate from the celter bark, which the Phoenicians used to designate the red dye. In the Middle Ages, as the use of the dye spread, the name took several variants: the genoveses called brazi, the Brazilian Castilian.
In the early sixteenth century, with Pedro Alvares Cabral in the head, when the Portuguese arrived in the present Brazil, they found trees of the species Caesalpinia echinata. From the tree, you could get wood and tint in vivid red colors, and the Portuguese called it palo brasil. Immediately the logs began to be exported to Europe, almost to the extinction of the species. But the name remained somewhere, although in the other main symbols of Brazil there is no trace of the red color.
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The Male World Cup starts in Qatar. The death of thousands of works that have been building signs of corruption, stadiums and other infrastructures, persecution of women and the LGBTI collective, environmental impact, censorship, disruption of the football calendar... Not... [+]
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Raúl Zibechi idazle uruguaiarra Munduko Koparen testuinguru sozio-politikoari buruz mintzo da webguneak maiatzaren 6an plazaratutako elkarrizketan. 'Brasil potencia' liburuaren egilea militarizazioaz, errepresioaz, gentrifikazioaz,... [+]
Every now and then, while I'm doing something in the kitchen, I'm turning on Euskadi Irratia, early in the morning. Last day, two stories were crossed in the comments of the informants and Tertullians: the first, published by the newspaper The Guardian on February 23: “More than... [+]
The football world championship is over, but hardly at all. But after the world championship, I saw a World Goal in a phone company announcement. Although there were no players or herbs, I found it a great marketing goal, in great letters that the sellers of rhetoric like, in... [+]