Why Fallow?
I have worked for the past two years with Carni di prima qualitá. We have had the opportunity to teach it in Argentina, Colombia and South Korea, while in Euskal Herria we have rarely been programmed... I felt like I was fallow, willing to change a lot, but at the same time I didn't want to be forced. I felt unbalanced, alone, the ideas didn't come from dance, the masks, the clothes I normally wear -- I had material but no kind of organization.
When did the possibility of working with Laia Cabrera arise?
Even though he's an actor, I liked the way he managed his body and I set out to work together. We met in Barcelona for ten days and started with all the material that was collected. The second stay was held in Girona. We have also taken advantage of the absurdity to work.
Land is a fundamental element in this work.
I wanted something organic. The earth is very scenic. My parents are Castilian and I remembered those lands.
He accompanied you with the outside gaze of Pako Revuelta.
This piece that talks about my personal situation has finally led us to immerse ourselves in the creative process. Paco knows a lot about the scene and he's shaped the material, he's organized chaos. On the other hand, the pressure from the date of Arriaga was there, people are going to see the formal dance, not the innovative or breakthrough proposals. I have suffered from this work. It has been a hard process, and I do not want to learn from suffering, I have also admitted failure as an opportunity.
piece goes beyond the dance, right?
Satisfying the thirst of the public is difficult. I wanted the audience to look at me, but how? We all look at electronic devices. That is why I propose images to viewers, that everyone make the reading they want. This is a process which has lasted nine months and in which work has taken many paths. What comes out of nowhere is very hard.
You've joined many disciplines, with movements full of symbolism.
I don't know if it's my dance or my theater ... The body is of vital importance to me. My starting point is the body, but I don't want to catalog it, I would say it's a staging proposition. Let people decide what it is. In the dance world, I had a very sharp line, but I also wanted to leave. I love changes.
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