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Forest Archives

Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

In Italy, Nemi, Galian Luc, Lugo and Nemetobriga... There is no end to the list of sacred forests in the world. And they would certainly have been in our house! In the forests, fairs, parties, meetings, sacrifices -- what wasn't going to be done at another time. Forests and trees, the ability to innovate continuously, the sky, the earth and our spirituality.

When the conquerors wanted to tread and tread a conquered village, they cut down their forests and their sacred trees. According to Lucano, Caesar in the first century destroyed one of the sacred forests of the Galos to destroy the cults that the Romans thought were pagan. Some say that the lack of such a connection between heaven and earth made the cult of the menhires a reality. Our witness is Gernika.

Here the trees have been very respected. On the steles of the Aquitaine of the Roman era are the offerings of “Arixo deo”, “Artehe deo”, “Fago deo” and “Leheren deo” (oak, art, beech and ler dios). Also in the Bigorra region, on our eastern border, there are signs of beech worship, along with lauburus. The cult of these trees, to cope with hunger, will undoubtedly be linked to their fruits: beech, acorns and pine nuts. For example, Olivier de Marliav tells him about what is linked to Pagoa.

The writer and priest Manuel Lekuona picked up the following phrase: “Ash should not be blessed, it is blessed by itself.” Another priest, R. M. Azkue picked up a saying that expresses respect for the trees very well. The woodcutter who had to knock down a tree said: “We throw you out and forgive us.”

He has feared the sects of these priests, the trees and the guardians of the sacred forests. Shamans, sorcerers, witches -- silently displayed the calendars of agriculture, astronomy, medicinal plants for the body and soul, etc. Obstacles to the spread of sectarian terror. Destroying the forests disappeared the “archives” of those wise men. Then they put crosses into the tops of the mountains that dominate the forests.

It's just as bad that we still have a glass. Octavio Paz, for example, compared intellectual joy to the march through the forest.

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