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Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

Sare sozialetako liskarrei ezin zaie benetako liskar edo eztabaida deitu. Sare sozialetako arrazoiaren aldeko hartu-eman horiek, handiagoa nork ote duen (jarraitzaile kopuruaz ari naiz) argitzeko eztabaidak izan ohi dira normalean.

Hauteskunde bezperetan halakoak propagandaren eta kanpainen oihartzuna bilakatzen dira bat-batean, edo kontra-kanpainenak (erredundantea ez bada esatea hori bera dela kanpaina).

Bi egunetan, maitea behar nukeen koalizio gertukoari bi kritika egitea otu zait twitter bidez. Koalizioaren muturreko defentsa platonikoa egin zuen batekin topatu nintzen. Ez genuen elkar ulertu. Tutik ez. Sozialisto batzuen nire txioaren erabilera iritsi zitzaidan beste baten bidez. Edozein kasutan, batere gustura ez geratzeko bi erreakzio.

Hala ere, uste dut, mugimendu sozialetako kideoi, botoa sartzen dugun lekuan sartzen dugula ere (sartzen badugu), alderdiei eta kanpainari adi egotea dagokigula.

Argi geratu zait autokritika ez dela gure fuertea (gutxiago “publikoan”), eta ulertzeko gaitasun handirik ez dugula. Ados beraz. Agur txioak, tabernetan egingo dugu topo, betiko lez.

Bidali zure iritzi artikuluak helbide elektronikora

ARGIAk ez du zertan bat etorri artikuluen edukiarekin. Idatzien gehienezko luzera 4.500 karakterekoa da (espazioak barne). Idazkera aldetik gutxieneko zuzentasun bat beharrezkoa da: batetik, ARGIAk ezin du hartu zuzenketa sakona egiteko lanik; bestetik, egitekotan edukia nahi gabe aldatzeko arriskua dago. ARGIAk azaleko zuzenketak edo moldaketak egingo dizkie artikuluei, behar izanez gero.

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Name and existence of Umandi

Andoni Urrestarazu Landazabal was born in the village of Araia on 16 July 1902 and died in Vitoria on 21 November 1993. It is now 31 years old and I think it is time to recognize his name and be, because the legacy he left is not well known. Umandi used the name of a mountain in... [+]

Euskera with memory

Autobiography writing is, they say, the most effective tool for personal development, the most liberating. Pulling things away from the past and remembering them, it seems that it helps unleash the knots of the present. Yes, it helps to understand the present and to draw a... [+]

Wager on the future

I have done a review from the announcement of the pandemic to the tragedy in Valencia and have concluded that the disastrous institutional management that lies and forupe as firewalls is constant of the ruling class.

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2024-11-20 | LAB sindikatua
Carriers also have to go to the service

November 19 is World Bathing Day. Even today, in the twenty-first century, many workers here in the Basque Country do not have the right to use the toilet in their working days. Many transport workers are an example of this.

Toilets are the key to public health and play a... [+]

Depleting human creation?

We know that artificial intelligence is representing many fields in human beings: comfort, speed, efficiency ... We've been led to believe that human endeavor is an obstacle to the speed needs of this capitalist world. The aggressions to reduce our chances of doing, doing and... [+]

2024-11-20 | Ula Iruretagoiena
Territory and architecture
Data to the territory

In recent weeks it has not been possible for those of us who work in architecture that the climate phenomenon of Valencia has not been translated into our work discourse. Because we need to think about and design the path of water in decks, sewers, plazas and building parks. We... [+]

Hysterical materialism
To live

Self-esteem sometimes seems intimate. But if self-esteem is about the image that you have of yourself, about the value that you give yourself, you'll also have to see the decisions that you can make. What value does someone who can't decide have? So we start to look at our mother... [+]

2024-11-20 | Gorka Menendez
The Basque farmhouse, a system of exploitation?

The Sanmartines are well known in our homes, as it is time to kill the pig. However, many people will not know that before St. Martin's day marked the end of the agricultural year. And that was no nonsense. In fact, at the end of the year, I had to pay an annual rent to my... [+]

2024-11-20 | Edu Zelaieta Anta
Between the two eyes

For a whole week we have talked about the book The Adventures of Pinocchio by Collodi, in the classroom of the university, with teachers of Early Childhood and Primary Education. Our main reference has been the nice edition that Galtzagorri published in 2011, which included the... [+]

Tools and training

“You learn walking and singing.” This has been one of the subjects this week in the groups of C2. It wasn't about learning to sing or walking, it was about using the future correctly. The activity has given me what to think and I've wondered how we learn to teach. I've heard... [+]

Appeal to Euskalgintza apolítica

The survival of the Basque country is not the only problem that the Basques play in the political game, but rather, as a more characteristic element of Euskaldunisation, the one that most reflects our situation. It shows very well what does not appear so much in other areas... [+]

Epistemic injustice in schools?

In Sociology of Education there is a classical question: Why does the education system exist in a society? The answers to the question are numerous and change according to the time. But among them, it should be noted that the main objective of the school is the creation of... [+]

2024-11-19 | Pau Lluc i Pérez
Among several, one

With the words of poet Vicent Andrés Estellés, I am one among so many cases, and not an isolated, rare or extraordinary case. Unfortunately, no. Among so many, one. In particular, according to the Council of Europe, and among other major institutions such as Save The Children,... [+]

Housing scam

The housing problem is a structural problem that comes from far away. What should be a human right is nothing more than a subjective right. I say that it is a fraud because, although all the institutions and all the political parties say nice words, they do not grasp the... [+]

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