Amaia Irazusta Navarro is a professor at Villoslada, who teaches Basque to model A. A year ago, the International Festival of the Basque Country in Iruñea launched the Aldaketa initiative! He knew the campaign. Then the citizens were called to photograph the names of the streets, the tourist boards, the labels, if the Basque was not treated in Spanish. Irazusta thought it could be a nice initiative for his students, but it was delayed, the course was about to end.
Earlier this year he was reminded and asked the Euskalgintza of Iruñea whether they were going to campaign again. They received a nice proposal: that the students take photos, put them on the map of Pamplona – through Google Maps – and that they say in each example if they complied with the municipal ordinance that requires the equal treatment of both languages.
Last April they took a tour of the streets of Pamplona and are now hosting the Googlemaps. We asked Irazusta why he thought it could be an interesting initiative for these students. In his words, many students do not find that the Basque language landscape is marked, they see many signs in both languages and do not realize that the texts in Basque and Spanish are not at the same level. In fact, they've had to look precisely at these signs to see if it's not written in Basque in a lighter color than in Spanish, or in a smaller letter. “They have now realised that the Basque country is becoming entrenched, that it is not enough for the signs to appear in bilingual.” Irazusta has given another reason for the students to become involved in this initiative: they have very little relationship with the Basque Country. “We can watch the movies, we can listen to the bertsos... but they are in Euskera and they don’t adapt, they need subtitles.” Therefore, going out into the street has been a way to approach the Basque people on a daily basis. “I think it has affected them something. For example, those around them tell you that they've come out in the News Journal."
Before the students of Navarro Villoslada started working as photographers, the neighbors have been in charge of this. The photos were sent to the Euskalgintza of Pamplona. The conclusions have come: thanks to citizen pressure, the City Hall has renewed several signs and has placed the Basque and the Spanish at the same level.
Gabonetako argiak pizteko ekitaldia espainolez egin izanak, Irungo euskaldunak haserretzeaz harago, Aski Da! mugimendua abiatu zuen: herriko 40 elkarteren indarrak batuta, Irungo udal gobernuarekin bildu dira orain, alkatea eta Euskara zinegotzia tarteko, herriko eragileak... [+]