Iñaki Irasizabal returns with a story about the relationship of two brothers who have not been seen since tiempo.Tras read Igelak (2011) and the priorities of Bizkartzaina (2013), it can be said that the latest novel he has titled Odolaren deia (Elkar, 2014) addresses the same narrative style and the theme that the author has written. On this occasion, in addition to addressing a description of the analysis of society, we will discover the tragedy that happens in the family circle.
The two brothers have had no news since their youth and each one has led his life as he could. Gorka advances working on weekends as a bartender for a pub. She has not managed to build anything like what is called a model family, but, Nadia and Belgium, shares her personal world with her Romanian mother and son. Gorka has long lost contact with her family due to several violent episodes of the past. And even if I prefer it, it's blood, it's blood, and we'll always be part of a family. On the contrary, Gorka’s little brother, who is presented anonymously throughout the novel, is a small entrepreneur. He's also single, but with a long-time partner, he's the father of two children.
The author has sought the image of non-stereotyped families, because she believes it is more realistic to reflect the plurality we see today, and in this context has inserted the relationship between the two brothers. The tension of the narrative will grow as some of the enigmas that arise from the beginning become clearer: What made Gorka leave the family? To what extent are we able to support the family? To what extent can we think that the family, the blood of our blood, can betray us?
After many years, Gorka is surprised when his brother calls him to report his father's death. Your brother's call snippet will open the box of the ghosts of the past and gradually, your until then anonymous identity will be exposed. At the same time, Gorka, following the instinct of blood, is involved in unthinkable facts: pederastia, blackmail, sexual abuse, etc. That is, the typical themes of Irasizabal's novels.
The call of blood is a novel embodied in the relationship between brothers. The nature of the characters is defined as belonging to the same family, which gives the actions a specific meaning and weight. In addition, I haven't found anything original in this novel, and I found it to be a sign of the writer's linear trajectory. Therefore, those who already know him are not going to find anything new, and for whom he is unknown he only waits for a fun time.
Party and recreation. Oral History of Rock Radical Vasco
Javier 'Jerry' Corral
Books, 2025
Javier Corral ‘Jerry’ was a student of the first Journalism Promotion of the UPV, along with many other well-known names who have... [+]