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Brittany’s “Korrika” starts on 24 May

Maiatzaren 24an hasiko da Bretainiako
Maiatzaren 24an hasiko da Bretainiako "Korrika". 2008an hasi ziren egiten, AEK-k prestatzen duena erreferentzia moduan hartuz.

It's called Ar Redadeg, a career similar to the Korrika that's being held in Brittany. Taking what AEK is preparing as a reference, they started doing so in 2008. Like Korrika, it is held every two years and this year is the fourth edition. The race will run from 24 to 31 May 2010. They'll start in Morlaix and end up in Glomel. It is a 1,500 kilometer tour with the participation of EiTB Maratoia.

AEK from Ipar Euskal Herria has organized buses to go to the weekend party. Interested parties may attend on 29 June and return on 1 June.

Just like the Basques go there, last year the Bretons came to Baiona to meet and enjoy the final feast of Korrika 18.

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