“Akazia lore, antxoa urre” esaerari adi, lagun koadrilatxo bat urtero bildu ohi gara udaberriaren bihotzari gorazarre otorduan. Arrautzetan pasata, antxoa eta sasi-akazia lorea (Robinia pseudoacacia), sasoiko bikote onenetakoa da platerean. Ilar (Pisum sativus) eta baba (Vicia faba) parearen parekoa.
Onenetik onenera dabil gure ahosabaia udaberriaren bihotzean. Bihotz hau sagarrondoak (Malus x domestica) mugatzen du bere loraldiarekin. Loratze hau ez da zurtza. Ilara luzeko prozesio baten ikurra da. Gaur, maiatzaren seigarrena, lantokitik etxerako bidean lore prozesio hau ikusi dut: milorria (Achillea milefolium), orkidea (Orchis mascula), lizarra (Fraxinus excelsior), lizar loreduna (Fraxinus ornus), isatsa (Cytisus scoparius), elorri zuria (Crataegus sp.), Indiako gaztainondo zuria eta gorria (Aesculus hippocastanum eta A. x carnea “Briotii”), zuandorra (Cornus sanguinea), horma-bitxilorea (Erigeron karvinskianus), intsusa (Sambucus nigra), pasmo-belarra (Anagallis arvensis), haritza (Quercus robur), Paulownia tomentosa, akazia zur-beltza (Acacia melanoxylon), Photinia x fraseri, otsolizarra eta hostazuria (Sorbus aucuparia eta S. x aria), arrosak (Rosa sp.), pitosporoa (Pittosporun tobira), sasi-urkitza (Solanum jasminoides “Album”), San Juan lorea (Leucanthemum vulgare), lihoa (Linum ussitatissimum), kala (Zantedeschia aethiopica), porrua (Allium porrum), tipula (Allium cepa), tipulina (Allium schoenoprasum), gorostia (Ilex aquifolium), limaondoa (Citrus limetta), limoiondoa (Citrus limon), laranjondoa (Citrus sinensis), ilarrondokoa (Arum italicum), gaukarra (Viburnum opulus), orburua (Cynara scolymus), kuku-belarra (Aquilegia vulgaris), zaran-belarra (Chelidonium majus), tartikua (Euphorbia lathyris), ahozkornoa (Euphorbia amygdaloides), hirusta zuria eta gorria (Trifolium repens eta T. pratense), basabitxilorea (Bellis perennis), harrautsia (Saxifraga hirsuta), marrubia (Fragaria vesca), ostargi-belar horia (Iris pseudacorus), apomahatsa (Tamus communis), oroilorea (Myosotis lamottiana), borraja (Borago officinalis), kuku-lorea (Lychnis flos-cuculi), goilora (Epilobium hirsutum), Judaren arbola (Cercis siliquastrum), kaputxina (Tropaeolum majus), arbia (Brassica napus), zaingorria (Geranium robertianum)...
The day exceeds the night with the spring equinox. This year it happened on 20 March, at 22:59 hours, opening the door of the spring. The Eki prefix means the same thing. Until then the night had been longer. The day and night were twelve hours. Since then, the day is extended... [+]
Time has been on our line for a long time, but the climate is relatively recent. There is no need to clarify too much what climate change is. Explaining what the landscape is is a redder necessity. Conferences, round tables or international conferences on climate change are... [+]
It's time to pick up the fruits and get them on the way to the lagar. Pear (Pyrus communis), apple (Malus x domestica), grape (Vitis vinifera)... It seems a short and quick road, but you have to work a lot of rodeos and their variants until the fruit becomes must and must become... [+]
In the Basque Country, agriculture is the history of permanent colonization. Like everywhere. Before, the land was not cultivated; before, the harvest was not sown; you enjoyed what was not eaten before. They had brought it all from elsewhere. Many of these stories have been... [+]
Returning to the wines that are made with the crops, the left madreselva (Humulus lupulus) is conservative and bitter tasting aggregator. The union of crops and madreselvas produces many dirty jets, especially in beer countries. A friend has just explained to me the stories of... [+]
In our house we met him with the name of madreselva (Humulus lupulus). In fact, we have worked hard and sinister on the banks of the river in our country, coinciding with the expansion of beer. We've learned that it's also called lobster, beer, beer, wart and grass on the left... [+]
Spring has brought the issue to my nose. C. worked at various research centers in New York. Bushdid, M. Oh! Magnasco, L.B. Vosshall and A. An article published by scientists Keller in March 2014 in the prestigious “Science Magazine” produced a great stir. The title says it... [+]
The curious interannual days end, those who eat and drink from the emanations of the earth. I'll eat from the best to the best. Supposedly. Heavy champagne and cava bottles are easy to dance. Even though they are of all kinds today, they were once the cider of the other barrel... [+]