Born 25 August 1846 Two businessmen of the city submitted to the plenary in April of each year a proposal for the organization of a three-day cattle fair. Alejandro Aguado, who was then mayor of Seville the Count of Montelirios, rejected the initial proposal saying that in the vicinity of the city there were two other important livestock fairs: Mairena de Alcor and San Lucar de la Mayor, both of medieval origin. However, on March 5, 1847, Queen Elizabeth II granted Seville the privilege of the fair. The Plenary of the City Council then agreed that the proposal received the previous year was appropriate, among other reasons because the project was supported by many local farmers and farmers, although the drivers were not here; one of them, Narciso Bonaplata (1807-1869), was Catalan, and the other, José María de Ybarra (1816-1878), from Euskal Herria.
Born in Barcelona, Bonaplata started working in the textile industry. The old deamortized convents were bought at a low price and the factory opened them outside of Catalonia in the 1830s. In 1840 he arrived in Seville, where he lived until his death, with the excuse of a new iron and copper factory.
José María de Ybarra, for his part, was a Bilbaíno, the third son of the founder of Altos Hornos de Vizcaya and Banco de Bilbao, José Antonio Ybarra. In 1841, the father, with the intention of removing his son from the political movements that were in the vicinity of Bilbao, sent José María abroad: Baiona, Barcelona, Valencia, Cádiz... In 1843 he arrived in Seville and decided to stay there. First he created a shipping company that would make the trade route between Seville and Bilbao. Subsequently, it set up the Ybarra food company, which is in operation.
The initiative of Bonaplata and Ybarra materialized in the month following the queen's authorization: the cattle fair was inaugurated on April 18, 1847. In that first trade fair in April, nineteen huts were installed to eat and drink. But the success of the amusement area caused the fair to be divided into two in 1850: cattle on one side and party on the other. Today there is not much cattle, and the Flemish suit, the Sevillian ones, the chamomile -- it predominates. The fair of Seville, which is announced as a paradigm of the Andalusian essence, was created by a Catalan and a Basque.
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