In order to improve the aquatic ecosystem of Artikutza, the two entities have recently identified several points. In this area, which has been in the hands of San Sebastian since 1919, is one of the most important natural treasures of the Basque Country, but conservation work is necessary to keep it that way. The environment is rich in many ways and the water has its main peculiarity, so they wanted to address this point.
Next to the Añarbe reservoir, four streams are crossed in Artikutza, and their aim is to make the flow as natural as possible for the ecosystem to regain its place. Among the works prepared for 2014, the City Hall of Donostia-San Sebastian plans to remove three dams that today remain inactive and which were once built by the City Council for the water supply. There is also a canal in Artikutza that removes water from the river causing significant damage to the aquatic habitat during the summer. Although they do not yet know where the river is diverting, its goal is to detect it and return it to the natural way by removing the canal. These actions fall within the remit of Donostia-San Sebastián as the owner of land, maintaining in any case the relationship with the City of Goizueta, as the competent administrative municipality, and have prepared a budget of 23,000 euros for this year.
For its part, the Government of Navarre is entrusted with the administrative procedures that remain at its disposal. It is the body responsible for the processing of environmental and conservation management plans. In the case of Artikutza, they are also obliged to prepare such projects, since in 2004 Europe declared the area as a site of importance within the Natura 2000 network. A period of up to seven years has elapsed since its incorporation into this project to implement the management plan. So I had to be ready by 2011. The last municipal government of Donostia-San Sebastián, with the Councillor for the Environment, Asier Jaka, asked the Government of Navarra for its management. In view of the presence of a subcontracted company and the management plan based on forest management, it was presented with the intention of reorienting the project.
The previous municipal governments have already had management models, but not conservation and environmental ones. The municipal government has wanted to go one step further, protecting the existing natural wealth. The case of Artikutza is also special, as it is usually the owner who limits such plans (environmental care means not taking other actions, such as construction). But on this occasion, it was the City Hall of Donostia-San Sebastián itself that pushed and asked for the plan.
In order to reach an agreement, the City of Donostia-San Sebastian had to draw up a “seduction” plan, if the Government of Navarra wanted to take it to that path. Thus, the company specialising in environmental research DESMA, in collaboration with the UPV/EHU, carried out a study on the aquatic ecosystem of Artikutza in a few months, which was addressed to the Government of Navarra. The management plan was carried out in accordance with the criteria of the Natura 2000 network. The study, presented last January, was invited by the municipalities of Goizueta, Oiartzun and Errenteria, the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa and Aguas del Añarbe, as well as by the Government of Navarra. Thus, the two competent institutions in the area have begun to design a new environmental conservation plan.
With the proposal prepared, a process of participation will be initiated with the municipalities, entities and companies mentioned, so that, once the plan is defined point by point, they can approve it by foral decree. Once the project has been approved, Artikutza will become a Special Conservation Area.
But wait, where is the small man within that whole plan? The Gipuzkoan capital has asked the Government of Navarra to make a special conservation plan for the Bada Galemys pyrenaicus. It is a very special species and one of the most important parts of the aquatic ecosystem of Artikutza, as it is a sign that the water system stays well while it lives. Therefore, the declaration of Artikutza has been requested as a centre of interest, as has Gipuzkoa with the species of tree frog from the south.
The City Hall of Donostia-San Sebastián, for its part, intends to develop research and knowledge, as, they say, there are still things to look for and investigate. To this end, they have prepared a budget of EUR 20,000 for the grant of a research grant in the autumn, which will cost EUR 2,400. The scholarship, which will be opened with the help of the university, is aimed at young graduates or undergraduate students. In addition, a new line of work will be opened with the entities linked to Artikutza for the signing of agreements on the road to environmental conservation.
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