“Our answer is disobedience. We do not allow them to take the young people, with this people it is possible. Long live Basque youth!” The words were pronounced a year ago from the kiosk of the Boulevard de Donostia-San Sebastián. On the street, a crowd of people had gathered to protest the young people who wanted to imprison them. Solidarity took the form of a popular wall.
Although the issue was ahead, the case of the eight young people from Donostia-San Sebastián who wanted to be imprisoned on charges of belonging to Segi broke the schemes. Despite the efforts of the main media to go silent, Espacio Libres is at the center of the present day. What factors made the initiative a turning point in the fight for civil and political rights? Examples:
On the one hand, forms of struggle adapted to the new times. Faced with injustices, the call for mass civil disobedience was the intention to keep it without the use of force. Accompanied by the Eleak movement, the organizers accurately set the criteria. In addition, they gave and thanked various forms of solidarity: bringing food, collaborating in the implementation of the cultural program, translating videos for dissemination abroad, creating a popular wall in it...
Secondly, an effective communication strategy. Volunteers managed to place the initiative on the Boulevard in the international media around the world. The theme counted with the dissemination that popular movements have achieved few times until then. Google's search for Askegunea has now resulted in 101,000 results in many languages.
Thirdly, it was a plane built from the accumulation of forces and positive positions. They felt the need to do something about the government’s immobilism, to connect with the citizens and to attract people who until then had felt this kind of issue so far. The young people who challenged Madrid asked for and received protection. Day by day, instead of weakening teamwork, they invented expanding it.
Thus, the dawn of 19 April, in which those present will not forget it, ended the bittersweet chapter of the fight against political trials. The Basque Government sent 300 Ertzainas to comply with the judgment given by the Spanish National Court, which has also rejected the Basque Parliament. After several hours and eleven blows, they were taken to jail in the cry of "the accused we love you".
However, it is undeniable that the popular wall that is consolidating with the symbol of the orange globe makes political arrests increasingly difficult. It has also influenced the scope, dimensions, costs and impact of the operation. Let us remember what happened to Lander Fernández in Rome, Urtza Alkorta in Ondarroa and Luis Goñi in Pamplona.
There are still 200 people at risk of going to jail for political reasons. It is difficult to put an end to these trials, because they are grass for a government that does not want to move the conflict from the scheme. But no one has put on the table a more credible path than disobedience. It has collectively raised strength to achieve that and more. The main key is to act as a people. Meanwhile, the photographs of Donostia-San Sebastián, Ondarroa and Pamplona/Iruña have remained for the history books. We will see what will happen to those who come.
Donostiako Herri Harresian atxilotutako gazteen abokatuek Espainiako Zigor Kode berriaren arabera gradua jaisteko eskatu zuten, baina Auzitegi Gorenak ukatu egin du eta beraz, sei urteko kondena osotasunean bete beharko dute, espetxean jarraitzen duten bost gazteek.
IV Libre Topaketak egingo dituzte ostiralean eta larunbatean, Donostian, Eleak-Libre mugimenduak antolatuta, Mozal Legea salatu eta Aske Gunean atxilotutako gazteen askatasuna aldarrikatzeko.
Donostiako Askegunean atxilotu zuten Oier Lorente eta lau urteren ostean atera da kartzelatik; Segiko kide izateagatik 6 urteko espetxe zigorra ezarri zion Auzitegi Nazionalak.
Donostiako Askegunean atxilotu zuten Aitor Olaizola eta lau urteren ostean atera da kartzelatik, orotara sei urteko espetxe zigorrarekin ordainduta Segiko kide izatea egotzi izana. Ehunka lagun izan ditu zain Donostiako Alde Zaharrean, ongietorria emateko.
Gazte bati urtebeteko kartzela zigorra ezarri diote Ertzaintzak Ekaitz Ibero atxilotzea saihesteko antolatutako Donostiako Aske Gunean parte hartzeagatik. Donostiako Auzitegiak “desobedientzia larria eta desordena publikoa” egotzita zigortu du 2013ko apirilaren 10eko... [+]
Eleak mugimenduak eta Libre dinamikako taldeek Konpromiso Eguna antolatu dute Donostian larunbaterako. Eskubide sozial eta politikoen aldeko lana bateratu, indartu eta egonkortu nahi dute datozen makro-epaiketei eta Mozal Legearekin batera etorriko diren erasoei begira.
Edurne Martinez altsasuarrari 15 hilabeteko kartzela zigorra eta isuna eskatzen diote Donostiako AskeGunean parte hartzeagatik. “Autoritatearen aurkako atentatua” egozten diote, eta berak erabat ukatzeaz gain, muntaia poliziala dela salatzen du.
Donostiako AskeGunea osatu zela lehen urteurrena betetzear den honetan, Libre Topaketak 0.1 antolatu dituzte Gipuzkoako hiriburuan bertan. Hausnarketa, formakuntza eta eztabaida saio kolektiboa antolatu dute.
“Langraitz bidea” hautatu duten bi presok, Joseba Urrusolo Sistiagak eta Rafael Caride Simonek, ezker abertzaleari presoen alorrean urratsak emateko eskatu diote Noticias taldeko egunkarietan argitaratutako iritzi artikulu baten bidez.
Sari Nagusia Berriak Joko Olinpiarrei egindako jarraipenak jaso du. Ainara Argoitiak Barren aldizkarian egindako bost artikuluk merezi izan dute Sari Berezia. Kazetari Berriaren saria Alex Gurrutxagak Berria egunkarian egindako literatur kritikak nabarmendu ditu. Horiez gain... [+]
Bi egunetan Nahikari Otaegiren kondena txandaka kartzelan betetzeko prest agertu dira 200 pertsona baino gehiago, ARGIAri Nahikari Aske ekimeneko iturriek baieztatu diotenez. Aranjuezko espetxean preso dago Otaegi, zortzi hilabeteko semearekin. Segiko kide izatea egotzita sei... [+]