The citizens of Guipuzkoans will suffer because the Hacienda Foral, now within Kutxabank, will have to pay EUR 30 million to Kutxa for a poor inspection carried out in 2001. Then, the PNV was in charge of the foral institution and the responsibility for what happened lies with its political managers. The Supreme Court has admitted Kutxa’s appeal at the time and in its decision states that in 2006 the entity had to face the payment of that amount. The Supreme has exempted Kutxa from paying EUR 21.4 million for corporate tax returns made between 2001 and 2005, including interest of EUR 30 million. Between 1997 and 2004, Kutxa invested in Repsol through the company Repinves SA, created specifically with La Caixa and Caixa Catalunya. This allowed Kutxa to be included in the special merger scheme and tax deductions in the event of an economic motivation, and not merely the intention to pay less taxes.
There is a double responsibility in this account. On the one hand, the Fund chaired by Fernando Spagnolo, which used fiscal engineering to pay less taxes, which demonstrates its scarce social and political commitment to the Gipuzkoan territory. On the other hand, the PNV, with Roman Sudupe and Antton Market as the main leaders of the time. Politicians, with this mismanagement, have left a negative millionaire legacy as a result of an operation that was not supervised 13 years ago and in which the Basque Government has refused to see anything.
The managers of the Fund and the Gipuzkoa Treasury have disappeared from the financial scenario, as well as from politics, according to Iceta. Should they not face up and take responsibility? Given that the citizens will be harmed by the EUR 30 million, does the PNV in Gipuzkoa not have to assume any responsibility for the operation? Those who ask others to recognise the damage done should be an example here and now.
Belen Bilbao mediku eta militante feministaren, Argitan Emakumeentzako Aholku Etxearen eta Skolastika literatur proiektuaren ibilbidea aitortuko dute VII. Zirgari Sariek. Martxoaren 7an egingo da sari banaketa, Bilboko BBK Aretoan.