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Nationalism as a model of transversality

  • Looking at the second lap, we came to understand that the Abertzales should have done something, and we did. We note the 40% increase in abstention. This is the picture that municipal elections in Iparralde have left us.
Jean-Rene Etchegaray Baionako auzapez berria, Batera plataformako kide zentrista.
Jean-Rene Etchegaray Baionako auzapez berria, Batera plataformako kide zentrista.
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.
Centre-right predominance in BABn

Jean-Rene Etchegaray, centrist and member of Batera – supported by the right-wing UMP – is exactly the new mayor of the capital. Etcheto (PS) was imposed by 26 votes. The new mayor of Biarritz, centrist Michel Veunac, has defeated Max Brisson of the UMP. Taking advantage of Borother's legacy and the help of the Abertzales. Angelu confirms the defeat of Jean Espilondo (PS) and the appointment of Claude Olive as the new mayor of the UMP. The centre-right is imposed in Baiona, Angelu and Biarritz (BAB), while the centre-right is the most punished.
San Juan de Luz, Hendaia...
San Juan de Luz continues to be the UMP Plaza, as well as Urruña, Ziburu and Oro, as well as other peoples of Lapurdi. The Socialists have recovered the House of the People of Hendaia from the hand of Kotte EZENARRO, with the support of the nationalists. Hendaia's is the only triumph of the HP in Iparralde's history. The Pau counselor, the reinforced Ezenarro, has left. The Abertzales had to have been forced to stand face after the first round and to do so in line with the green and left-wing forces that have had allies. The results are not the ones they wanted or expected, so safe, but they have acted consistently. In Uztaritze, the Abertzale Bruno Carrere is witness to the progress of the Abertzales – along with Baigorri Uztaritze is the square and strong point of the left Abertzales. The surprise was in Senpere, where nationalists have lost the peace process for the benefit of the UMP.

Baja Navarra

It is confirmed that Baigorri is the place and strong point of the Abertzale left, Donibane Garazi, with the right-wing Alphonse Idiart as mayor, and Donapaleu, in contrast to the main peoples, will remain in the position of Jean-Jacques Loustaudaudin of the UMP. In any case, the strength and color of EH Bai in Baja Navarra are evident.


Mixel Etxebeste remains mayor in Maule. Those on the left have, however, tightened the Copa del Rey match. Communist Louis Labadot remains strong in the opposition. The leader of the Abertzale left BEÑAT Elkegarai has also entered the Town Hall Square with force.

North and State

The elected offices of the Public Schools have also been elected. In art, without concrete results, we can anticipate that the Basque elects, both from the left and from the centrist line of the PNV-GNP, have occupied several scenes. Two strokes to complete the photo: that of the abertzales is the model of the transversal initiative. That the far-right Fn, which has won thousands of councillors and fourteen municipal plenary sessions in the State, led by Marine Le Pen, has no place in Iparralde.

2014ko apirilaren 06a
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