The announcement by the prefect of the Pyrenees Atlantiques Pierre-André Durand, in the context of the obstacles that the French Government is putting to the ikastolas of Seaska on the occasion of the Falloux Act, has brought a little respite: it will not take any action against building the ikastola of Beskoitz. The prefect has sent a letter to the House of the People of Beskoitze, telling him that he will withdraw the complaint against the project to build a new ikastola in the land of the town.
The Beskoitze Local Council rented a land of 520 square metres to SEASKA to carry out the project for the construction of the ikastola by means of an agreement to be reviewed for years. As with the ikastola de Hendaia, the French Government requested the resolution of the convention, claiming that the Falloux law of 1850 was not complied with. This law prohibits public aid to private eviction, which was a progressive law in the 19th century to limit the influence of Christian teaching centers.
Already in the twenty-first century, SEASKA President Paxkal Indo was pleased with the prefect’s decision and spoke in Euskal Irratia about hopes that measures against other ikastolas will also be suspended. For his part, Hur Gorostiaga, director of the ikastola, thanked the Euskaltzales who have mobilized, and explained that they will continue to ask until a global solution is reached.
The French Government launched in 2012 an offensive against ikastola, when it questioned the legality of the building construction project in Hendaia. Afterwards, he did the same with the ikastolas of Beskoitze and Hazparne. He has also attacked the calandreta of the people of Artixe, in Biarno, who teaches in Occitan. Since then, the followers of the ikastola have made a lot of mobilizations. In July they held the PS headquarters in Baiona, for example.
Sub-prefect Baiona, Patrick Dallennes, recently explained that they are working to bring the situation to a conclusion, but it was soon learned that the Pau Court estimated the sub-prefect's lawsuit against the ikastola project.
With nice words, SEASKA has always been unbelieving, as if the 19th century law is not buried, uncertainty will continue in all the ikastolas.
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