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Erreforma antisozial gehiago

Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

Azken egunotan asko hitz egin da Espainiako Gobernuak inposatu nahi duen –eta EAEko eta Nafarroako gobernuek ezarri beharko luketen– beste erreforma batez. Orain erreforma fiskala da. Aditu talde baten proiektua dago eta aditu horiek ez dira sektore herrikoien aldeko izatearen batere susmagarriak. Lehen lan erreforma eta bankuen berregituraketa izan ziren; langileen kontrako erreforma antisozialak. Denak kapitalaren, enpresarien eta bankarien zerbitzura.

Hala, Espainiako Gobernuak erreforma fiskalaz zer erabakiko duen zain gaude. Proposamenak PFEZa jaistea aurreikusten du; batez ere gehien irabazten dutenei eragiten die neurri horrek. Aberastasun handiek ordaintzen duten ondare zerga ezabatzea ere ekarriko luke. Enpresariek ordaindu behar duten elkarteen zerga jaitsiko litzateke, baita inbertsiorako finantza produktuak dituztenei interes-tasak murriztu ere. Aldiz, BEZa igotzearen aldekoa da; kontsumitzaileari eta herritar xeheari eragingo lioke horrek. Paradisu fiskalak eta ezkutuko ekonomia ezabatzeko apusturik ez dago ordea, Espainiako Estatuko BPGaren %15 eta %20 artekoa dela uste den arren. SICAV edo inbertsio kolektiboko elkarteak babestea da asmoa, Espainiako Estatuko aberastasunaren zati handi bat hor ezkutatuta dagoela jakinda ere.

Ez gaitu harritu berriz ere bankari, enpresari eta dirudunen mesederako erreformak inposatzea. Hori da kapitalismoaren logika, eta gobernuak bere kudeatzaileak baino ez dira, etekina pilatzen segitzeko tresnak. Hargatik, kapitalak ez die utziko gobernuei bere terrenoan sartzen, bere kobazuloetan, hantxe baititu altxorrak. Paradisu fiskalak deitu ohi zaie zulo horiei. Ez die bere ondarea ukitzen utziko, alderantziz, haren gaineko zerga ezabaraziko du. Enpresetan ere ez dira sartuko gobernuak, baina zergak gutxituko dizkiete. Egoera hau aldatzeko beste eredu sozio-ekonomiko-politikoa behar da, Euskal Herriko subiranotasun ekonomiko eta politikoa ekarriko duena. Eta batez ere, langileen eta herritarren zerbitzura egongo dena.

You are interested in the channel: Fiskalitatea
2025-03-13 | ARGIA
EAJk eta PSE-EEk zerga erreforma adostu dute Ahal Dugurekin

PPrekin eta EH Bildurekin negoziazioetan porrot egin ondoren etorri da Ahal Dugurekin adostutako akordioa. Indar politiko honek aitortu duenez, maximalismoak atzean utzi eta errealitateari heldu diote, errenta baxueneko herritarren aldeko akordioa lortuta.

The Basque Government is once again linking the poorest with fraud, putting an anonymous mailbox to denounce aid.
The Basque Government has once again launched a mailbox for citizens to communicate anonymously “any suspicion of irregular actions” and has strengthened the Lanbide Control Unit, even though no fraud is committed around Income Guarantee.

Iberdrola has earned a profit of EUR 5,472 million until September of this year, which is a new revenue record in 2024, 14% more than last year. Repsol had in his pocket EUR 1.626 million for the month of July, and the EUR 3.168 million he won in 2023 seem to outnumber this... [+]

Europe imposes a fine of EUR 15 billion on multinationals Apple and Google
The European Court of Justice (ECJ) has sentenced the Apple and Ireland case and has ratified the conviction of Google for abuse of a dominant position.

Return of austerity
They take on the new tax rules in Brussels and open the door to social cuts
The European Union is on track to return to the strict pre-pandemic tax rules, following the adoption by the European Parliament of new fiscal measures to limit the deficit and indebtedness of Member States. According to the Ecofin decision at the end of 2023, this will mean... [+]

Tax reform at the moment

The Araba, Bizkaia and Gipuzkoa Foral Haciendas have just extracted the data from the collection, and we have seen that they have received more money than ever before. They soon announce that they will take the necessary margin for reflection on tax reform, because there is no... [+]

The neoliberal Europe of 2024 has a northern austerity policy of Schäuble
The Ecofin Council of the European Union’s Finance and Finance Ministers has given us stricter tax rules in the new year. The return of austerity policies will result in a change of direction after the pandemic and a further reduction in public investment and cuts by... [+]

Austerity policies
This is the year 2024: welcome to the "normality" of neoliberal Europe
The Council of Ministers of Economic and Finance of the 27 countries of the European Union has agreed on 20 December to establish stricter tax rules. The return of austerity policies will mean a change of direction in recent years and a further reduction in public investment and... [+]

2023-02-01 | ARGIA
PNV and PSOE plan to change taxation in Araba, Bizkaia and Gipuzkoa
Both sides state that they have started "talks" to address a reform of the tax system. They say that one of the goals will be to "increase progressiveness", but warn that the process will end after municipal and foreign elections.

Tax policies and social justice
In this world nothing is safe except death and taxes.” Benjamin Franklin said in 1789, and the truth is he is right. The UK Prime Minister’s tax reduction proposal caused a disaster in his economy and the institutions that have marked neoliberalism, such as the International... [+]

2023 budgets: emergency situations for the rich

The market owners, when asked to accept any kind of limitation or control, have said no – as we have seen in the case of rents and staple foods – as often as they have said no. They have faced the Government when it has sought to tax excesses in the light force business and... [+]

Different taxation
The Tax on the Income of Natural Persons will once again be deflated by the Basque Government from 1 January, this time 5.5%, as announced by Iñigo Urkullu in the Basque Parliament. For many experts and economists, this measure will only increase social inequalities, especially... [+]

The fiscal measure announced by Urkullu in Parliament can increase social inequalities
The Tax on the Income of Natural Persons will once again be deflated by the Basque Government from 1 January, this time 5.5%, as announced by Iñigo Urkullu in the Basque Parliament. For many experts and economists, this measure will only increase social inequalities, especially... [+]

Financial account or social justice?
The Basque Finance Council reports on the revenue from last year. It has met more than in 2020 and the rating is unbeatable. Next year the institutions will have more money to make public policies. They have not lied. But you can do another reading, for example, if you look at... [+]

Eguneraketa berriak daude