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Natural respirator threatened by Supersur

  • It seems a lie that a natural green area like Bolintxu survives in such a large cement environment. Unfortunately, it could be brief if the Provincial Council of Bizkaia starts the extension of the Super-South. At the moment no deadline has been set, but the draft is approved. How long will the Bolintxu Valley maintain its status as a natural paradise?
Supersur autobidearen sarrera ikusten da Pagasarri bidetik. 2013an 11.800 ibilgailuk erabili zuten egunero, Bizkaiko Aldundiak aurreikusitakoaren erdiak.
Supersur autobidearen sarrera ikusten da Pagasarri bidetik. 2013an 11.800 ibilgailuk erabili zuten egunero, Bizkaiko Aldundiak aurreikusitakoaren erdiak.Iñigo Azkona
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

The Southern Metropolitan Variant, or if you like, is the "natural" crossing of the Super-South, the A-8 and the A-68. After the completion of the first phase, the road has seventeen kilometres of journey between September 2011 and the municipality of Santurtzi. The second phase, which will bring together the Peñascal and Beteluri districts of Arrigorriaga (3.4 kilometres), is pending implementation. For the time being, therefore, we have the opportunity to enjoy the Bolintxu valley. Bolintxu is an emblematic site of the metropolitan environment of Bilbao, also for the Provincial Council of Bizkaia. This is stated in the Environmental Impact Declaration of the Southern Metropolitan Variant (Peñascal-Beteluri) Section 9 Route Project.

A rich natural space

The second section of the variant would join Bilbao and Arrigorriaga to obtain a direct connection with the A-68. The works would begin on Mount Arnotegi and end in the neighborhoods of Seberetxe, Buiagoiti and Beteluri. Among them, at the foot of Mount Pagasarri, they would touch the deep ravine of Bolintxu “an environment of special significance in terms of its natural and landscape values”.

Much of the Bolintxu valley is occupied by oak trees, along the river are the alisedes that constitute the European Union’s priority habitat of interest and in the abandoned quarry of Bolintxu are reproduced birds of prey. Even when mountain groups organize excursions, they have to ask for permission not to interfere in this reproduction process. Not only is it a nice walk, but this little paradise is, to a large extent, an oasis. The waters of the Bolintxu River are also home to many frogs, snakes and amphibians, among them two species to be protected, collected in the study carried out by Gorka Belamendia in 2010: the Iberian frog or lump, and the Austrian Coronella or the European smooth snake. Moreover, in the reptiles and amphibians Bolintxu is located in the number of natural parks of Gorbeia, considering the size of one and the other, 200 times greater than Bolintxu.

Knowing all this, it is not very well understood that the Super-South project is to be carried out. Many have expressed concern about this. The Environmental Impact Study of the project itself identified 31 impacts in the second phase of the road, of which 11 are considered serious: in addition to what would support the surface water mass, priority interest habitats and flora of interest could also be seriously affected, in addition to what has been done with the landscape. In addition to the Bolintxu Valley, the environmental report identifies serious damage to the east slope of Mount Arnotegi and in the vicinity of the Seberetxe district. Although in principle the project will not affect you directly, it recalls the existence of an area of archaeological presumption: Arnotegi source.

Descent from Pagasarri to Bolintxu

This text is a proposal to enjoy all these places so close to Bilbao, before the double tunnels of 1,730 meters length and the viaduct of 166 meters destroy the wonderful photograph. The Bolintxu River gives its name to the whole environment. As in all the accesses to Bilbao, you also have to go down to reach the area, both by the Abusu district and by the road of Pagasarri.

A half hour walk through the Peñascal district is the Bolintxu Valley, on the slopes of the Pagasarri and Arnotegi mountains. Optionally, you can reach the path of ascent to the most known mountain of the Ganekogorta chain. I would say that most of the Pagasarrizale (671 meters) use that path. On the day of our visit we found a large group of boys and girls who have made an exit to the Arnotegi and the Abusu neighbours on a Sunday tour. They have explained to us that the environment is in the spring, in the middle of nature, all the trees in bloom. Unfortunately, we have been hit by rainy days, and we have been advised not to leave by the river, which is full of land.

However, we have again made a circular journey of eight kilometres. Instead of starting in the Abusu neighborhood, we have left the Igeratu parking lot, the last car park in the direction of Pagasarri. On the left is the road that goes to Arnotegi and on the right is going up to Pagasarri. We, on the contrary, take the path that descends through the interior of the car park and go down to the shore of the Bolintxu River.

The sewage pipe is the road

The growth of the former Bilbao did not affect Bolintxu, but did affect the water treatment plants. In the late 1960s, the enormous tube that crosses the valley was installed. From there they brought him to give drink to the water boats of the Zadorra. Before, in 1923, there was another sewage treatment plant in the area, and when it was removed, the dams were also swimming pools. But they were dismantled by the Uriolas of 1983 and today you can only see a piece of masonry that causes the collapse on the water path. These days the water jump is spectacular. It will allow us to reach the small path that we bring by the river, both at the top and bottom. It is worth approaching to see first hand the path of the river and appreciate the size of its trees.

Running along the edge of the Bolintxu stream means going above the tube of water channeling. In addition, deteriorated conductions have sometimes been revealed in the past; in others, the pipe, which is the path, must be pressed.

Also impressive is the huge pipeline from the Water Consortium that runs through the entire valley. Our journey will take us to the viaduct that supports the tube, so we will have to cross it below. In summer you can enjoy the freshness of the river and take a small lunch.

Climb to Abra

We have travelled the way to the Bolintxu district by the river, but the return will be totally different. Once you reach the road, always by the river, we will head to a parking lot located on the left. Along the way we would reach Abusu, but as we want to do the other half of the tour, in this small parking we will take the way up. On the parking we will see the gigantic building that was in its day a water station, a gray house with a palace appearance.

What is coming is a rather abrupt path; please note that we have previously lowered everything we have to get on the way back. So calm down. Halfway through the gigantic iron gate, we will find a market, but it is worth following it and reaching the site called Eguzkialde. There is another great market that offers a magnificent view of Bilbao. On the right side you can also see the Abra.

By regaining the forces we will follow the path that goes on the left, this time, surrounded by trees – we will not find a single tree in the whole stretch that we have climbed before; therefore, in summer, be attentive. Following the path on the left we reach the last merchant, Elordi, where you can also climb to Arnotegi, but as our goal is to return to the Igeru parking, we begin the way down. We arrived at the car park in a quarter of an hour.

Once you reach Igertu, do not forget to look left for the last time before you reach the Larraskitu road that leads us to Bilbao. There we will find the wonderful view back to the Abra, as well as the first part of the already built Supersur. Rail Highway Three with its eight tolls. Large black eyes open next to the old quarry closely monitor the Pagasarri road, but it may be threatened without being monitored, if the road that dies there decides to follow its path.

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