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Fruits of the Virgin

Anana (Ananas comosus), hazirik gabeko fruitu ugarietako bat.
Anana (Ananas comosus), hazirik gabeko fruitu ugarietako bat.
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

Last week I picked up the rope of the fruits growing without seeds, the long rope. These are fruits created without sexual exchange. They are the result of a paradox, because the abortion of the fruit should be the effect of unfertilized flowers... Paradoxes, there are also sterile fruits that don't have seeds. As the fruit always comes from the female, they are virgins and mothers. This plant phenomenon is called: “partenocarpment”, in Greek, “fruit of the virgin”.

A plant can decide for itself to develop sterile fruits. For example, on their breeding path, they eat the fruit and spread the seeds with an animal that is their main companion. If in a year, for one reason or another, a flower cannot sprout, the animal will run out of food during the fruit season. Not to lose your partner (starved to death, emigrated...) can bring fruits without sex, not for reproduction, but to keep the collaborator.

Then we produce more sterile fruit. There are plants that have great difficulty in making and fertilizing the exchange between the sexes: tomatoes (Solanum lycopersicum), some pumpkins and some curves... These non-fertilized flowers undergo fruit harvesting through hormones or similar synthetic products.

Some fruits of this kind are produced by coldness. In dioecious species, for example. In them the male and female sex are found in differentiated plants, totally separated. What to do? We don't put all the male specimens that we could just give us the pollen, and all the females, the donors, and then we'll take care of the male. These include kiwi (Actinidia sp) and khaki (Dyospiros kaki).

We are also astute because when eating the fruit the seeds are a bothersome hindrance: look at the banana (Musa sp), each of those black spots inside should be a germ; nobody would eat sterile with the ease it has...

as the vine of pasata (Vitis vinifera Sultanina), pineapple (Ananas comosus), orange (Citrus x sinensis), fig (Ficus carica) and fig (Opuntia ficus-indica), cucumis sativus, grapefruit (Citrus altx paradisi), peel. How many sterile fruits! If you get fruits that don't have seeds, remember: there has been no sex, but someone has participated. Take it and enter...

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