It's not the same as the time of 30 years ago than today. Since then, there have been many incidents: The absolute majority of pp, the economic and value crisis, the end of ETA’s armed struggle, the legalization of Bildu or the exit of the PSOE from the mayor of Errenteria almost 30 years later, indicate that they are at the turning point. “From our point of view, we are at the end of one era and at the beginning of another. The forms of struggle and organization are changing and social networks may now be the reflection of popular movements.”
Zintzilik has also had to get used to and adapt to these changes. Xabi Garate, Gema Mariezkurrena and Ima Morillas have stated that, considering that society is more individualistic, they want to continue working as a collective. The new generations also want radio to be a space of communication, meeting and relationship, an instrument of their belonging to popular power. Thus, they encourage all citizens to come closer. Precisely, the functioning of Zintzilik has always been based on self-management and assemblies, without subsidies or propaganda, without salaries, in a popular way and between all and all, militant. In short, because from the beginning they have had the function of “giving voice to those who do not have a voice”, of making public the counterinformation of social movements. Feminism, occupation, sexual liberation, the antinuclear committees, the assembly of young people, the input… have a place on this radio. “Collectives can speak freely through Zintzilik, without censorship, freely,” said his colleagues. Over the years, a difference is observed: before the collectives went to Zintzilik irratia and now it is Zintzilik who goes to the collectives.
Gárate, Mariezkurrena and Morillas have pointed out that political and economic interests are dressed in “neutral” media, he added. Therefore, they need to create their own media and be able to transmit other messages: “Communication is essential, who has the information has the power.”
27 urte ez dira ezer izenburua jarri diote atera berri duten dokumental autogestionatuari. Bizipenak, pasadizoak, iraultzak, borroka, ideologiak, atxiloketak, mugimenduak, elkarbizitza, herri baten historia… kontatzen dituzte bideoan. Irratia bizirik dagoela eta bizirik jarraituko duela transmititu nahi dutelako aukeratu dute izen hori: “Jendeak gure historia ezagutzea nahi dugu, baita bertatik pasa direnei omenalditxoa egitea ere”. Asmoa 25. urteurrenean ateratzea zen eta 27.era atzeratu zuten. Hala ere, 30 urteotan gertatu diren gauzekin borobildu dute azkenean. Hortik izenburuaren zergatia.
Norbanako zein kolektibo ugarik lagundu dute dokumentala aurrera ateratzen, edizio lanetan, materiala gehitzen… Artxiboko argazkiak, audioak eta egindako hogei elkarrizketa zituzten esku artean, eta zailena bideoak lortzea izan da, baita sailkapena egitea ere. Hainbeste oroitzapenen artean zein kontatu aukeratzea ez da erraza: “Kideak atxilotu zituzten uneak, gurekin ez daudenen oroitzapenak, Ertzaintza agindu judizialik gabe egoitzara sartu eta dena miatu zutenean… Baina batez ere pasa ditugun une on guztiak ditugu gogoan, saioak egiten, txosnetan, herriko jaietan, solasean…”.
Irratiko pasadizoez gain, 30 urteotan herriak bizi izan duen bilakabidea kontatzen du dokumentalak, “Zintzilik ez baita irrati bat soilik, hainbat mugimenduren isla eta borroka ere bada. Herri baten historia kontatu nahi izan dugu, irratiak berak hori egin duelako beti”.
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