Melody: A child.
One lesson is what you learn
once in Sarriko: we are
the slaves of capital
from life to the end.
It is this month that the Counter-Economy has set the
tone for it!
Although it seems that it has nothing against the economy,
it has
reason to rethink a more just one.
To savage capitalism
the dose of
socialism… Remember what Maialen once said in
BEC; Andoni at the
kidney crossing,
clarified the question:
“before two and zero, and now one,”
which was justice.
The great decoration that
society must have!
Those who have created the crisis are warm
on red carpets, and in the
meantime we
do not expect any change to take place.
What would it be if
the equation
were in our mind: every time I have a
I don't need, I won't find anything
else I need.
2021ean hasi ginen Guggenheim Urdaibai proiektuaren inguruko lehen oihartzunak entzuten…Bai ala bai egingo zela esan zigun orduko Unai Rementeria ahaldun nagusiak. Bere esanak indartzeko, 40 milioi euro utzi zituen “blindatuta” museoak eraikitzen zirenerako... [+]
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“I will overturn, overturn, overturn, it[...]”
Ezekiel 21:27 – King James Version
“Above all algorithms, below all algorithms”
Xabier Landabidea
I’m uncomfortable, uncomfortable with the almost religious attitude our society has taken towards technology, and... [+]
For almost a century, there has been no generation in the Basque Country that has not known torture. There are 5,379 people officially since 1960, but there are many more, because appearing publicly as tortured still hurts. And probably because nothing has changed at the base... [+]